I'm very excited to have the beta of creating associations and labeling them between records. But it feels incomplete without the ability to associate records via workflows. My use case is something I've been trying to implement with workarounds since my company started using huspot.
Use Case: We're a solar panel manfacturer. We sell to distributors, that sell to solar installers, that sell to homeowners. We generate plenty of homeowner leads that we would like to send to our customer installer companies.
I want to set a workflow that will assoicate the lead's contact record to the installer company record under the assciation label I made for this purpose, then send a new lead notification to the campany' designated lead-getting employee associated contact , all based on the location of the lead.
I want to be able to look at the lead contact record and see which of our installer companies we sent it to. Or look at an installer company and see all the leads we've sent to them. Or create a deal that is between the lead and the installer company for every lead we send to the company.
There's just no way to manually associate these records as we get thousands of these leads a quarter, this seems like such a blind spot for B2B users.
This would be very important for our company. Easier would be if there would even be a setting that this association is created automatically. I created a custom object and now have to manually assign all contacts that are already associated with the company also to the custom object.
We need to associate by workflow deals to company. For the moment we have contact > deals and we want to qualify better our companies. It will be very usefull to work with workflow and not only with API.
Hi @Brandsensations , great news! Can you please advise what this beta update is called, or send a link to the specific update? Tried asking this a few moments ago, but doesn't seem to have posted.