HubSpot Ideas


Auto Reply on Conversations Inbox

When a NEW conversation is opened in the inbox off the back of a customer contact (whether WhatsApp/Email/Form etc) I would love for HubSpot to be able to send a auto reply via a workflow.


I have so far managed to get my best workaround, but it doesn't quite work as if the agent initiates a conversation with the customer (e.g. sending a new email) and then the client responds, the auto reply doesn't get sent as the first agent response date is known.

Enrolment TriggersEnrolment TriggersWorkflowWorkflow


In reality, we could email the customer about something today. A week later they reply to that email about something else and as it is a new conversation, I'd want the auto reply to go to them, so they know our SLA's and have the acknowlegement.


The workflow correctly doesn't send the auto reply each time they reply (as that would be very annoying) and only does it once per conversation, but this limitation with the first agent response date being triggered on a new outbound email has made this workaround not as expected.


If this could be made possible, it would be a great feature.



9 Replies

Surprised HuSpot does not have an auto reply function.


Can obviously do from our email client, but would be great to have the ability to do it within HubSpot - eg in a Sequence to reply to all incoming emails with "we'll get back to you soon" type content.


I agree-- This is a standard feature in a support/ ticketing system and it is unfortuante that it only available if you create a ticket. 


We get a lot of emails, a lot of tem are not necessarily tickets, and would like an auto-responder when an email is received confirming with the sender that it has been received.


I am in the same boat as you folks and have played with every way possible to automate it... no joy. Easy to do for a ticket or form, or even a chatbot - no luck with the Conversation Inbox though. 

Top Contributor



Any news onm this feature ?


Any update on this?


any update? 


I've upvoted this idea and what seems like an identical one:


I was just speaking with a hubspot customer service agent and this still is not prioritized or seen at the moment. I'm a little surprised this doesn't have moe votes!

Top Contributor



4 years later 😞