This feature request is for anyone that uses the sequence feature in Hubspot.
The goal of this feature request is to get attachments added to emails that are apart of a sequence.
The value that this feature request adds is that it will get more people to interact with your emails. Receipents of emails are more likely to view an attachment than to click an external link that leads them to an attachment.
Sending a regular email with an attachment, the traditional way, has been around forever.
Currently Hubspot only allows you to attach a link to a document. They should allow you to attach the document directly to the email.
I agree with this, we get sales emails direct from customers for a request for quote. Our ERP system used to have the ability to directly send quote (including pdf) to customer automatically . We have now moved to Hubspot to send these emails but rather than creating a "task" to follow up we would like to enroll this email into a sequence.
i created a 3 automated email and call followup sequence. when enrolling someone i get prompted to fill in the Placeholder.
email - first email using template with 1 placeholder per automated email, usually just "quote or order number & Description" whch gets cut and pasted accordingly. we would then like to attach a PDF to this first email. each email sent would have a unique PDF attached.
1 day delay
followup call to confirm they have received previous email
2 day delay
Automated Email follow up first email sent
3 day delay
Automated email Followup due to no response.
1 day delay
I understand the purpose of sequences it to nuture new contacts over time rather than to be for automated emails for individual sales. we dont have generic brochures or documents to send to new leads, a lot of what we do is custom design & built to order. in most cases our first contact is a customer asking for a quote.
but our current process involves so many quotes and sales per day that our reps tend to miss follup calls and next you know weve lost a deal due to no response or even a followup.
But adding a simple "Attach file" direct to the sequence email when enrolled would create all new opportunities for the use of sequences. Having the ability to enrole a contact to a sequence after sending a specific email would be great. as that is THE email that would most commonly be replied to.
Using sequences for this process would be ideal as we can preset all the custom fields on enrolling contact. then we can almost set and forget.
Before anyone suggests the "Document Tool" this was explored.
Starting point is a Contacts page
Attaching file direct to sequence email (NOT AN OPTION BUT WOULD TOTALLY LIKE TO SEE AVAILABLE)
Click Email
Click sequence
Select sequence
Prompted to fill out placeholders
Click attach file
Browse and open (File added to email and ready to send)
click send/enroll
2. Using document tool when enrolling
Click Email
Click sequence
Select sequence
Prompted to fill out placeholders
Click insert
Click document
Click manage
Opens new window/tab click Upload Document
Click Your computer
Browse files & Open (file upoads and ready to use)
Go back to previous tab with Sequence open
Click insert
Click document
Select document from dropdown (oh i cant as its not yet populated) requires refresh
Refresh page to repopulate documents list
Click email
Click sequence
Prompted to fill out placeholders
Click insert
Click document
Select document from dropdown
Document tool prior to enrolling
Click Sales
Click Documents
Click Upload Document
Click Your computer
Browse files & Open (FIle uploaded and ready to use)
Either search contact you want to enrol (or already have open in which case select that tab)
Click email
Click sequence
Prompted to fill out placeholders
Click insert
Click document
Select document from dropdown
see our dilemma? we have some "older" generation Sales reps that are already hesitant on the process. this would make a world of difference and i reckon they would actually do it
It would be a big boost to our workflow to have the ability to add attachments to sequence emails. I agree with the comments above, most are leery about clicking links these days and links are sometimes broken by corporate filtering.
Completely agree with @AMorgan03 - we need an option to add attachments to templates in sequences. I am dealing with the same thing where reps need to have a quote or order attached to the first email - a unique PDF, not a standard doc in HubSpot. There are definitely some old-school Sales reps that are already hesitant about using sequences and just having it be like a normal outlook email that they could attach docs to would help improve team adoption of sequences immensely.
Agree would be useful feature to allow teams to use hubspot sequences for different use cases, such as to share offers which are unique to a particular prospect when not using Hubspot quote, or to set up sequences around billing and payment reminders.
This is something that would be extremely helpful in our sales process, right now we have to send the initial email with the PDF quote as a regular email, have to set up a reminder to then do another manual followup. If that initial email we could add an attachment without uploading into file manager in hubspot the entire follow up process could be automated and cut our sales staffs time down considerably.
Adding the PDF quotes to file manager is a huge pain and will fill up our limited space in there very quickly.
In addition to the other replies, the importance for me is the need to send a deal specific PDF (presentation) at the start of a sequence, but it is specifically the fact that sequences end when a client books a meeting, which is most valuable to me.
My preference would be to start the sequence, attach the PDF, and then not think about needing to think about ensuring the contact is removed from a follow-up workflow if they book a meeting to close the sales process. (Our packages are large enough that we have never had success closing during the pitch meeting, so a follow-up meeting is common.)
Yes please for adding an attachment at the beginning of the sequence or after when about to start the sequence and editing on the fly! Wanting to use a sequence for when we send out our intial invoices (attached to first email), and then all of our invoice/ late payment follow up is done within the sequence on the same thread the initial invoice was sent in. Please consider adding this feature! It would be very useful.
As some customers mentioned, leads and prospects are more and more cautious about clicking links. While it is useful to track clicks, we believe there's a huge tradeoff by not having attachments as an option. This kind of sensitiveness is market-specific. There are some geographies that we feel are more sensitive than others (e.g. Central and East Europe).
For the love of God, please build this feature now. I'm considering cancelling my subscription and going back to my previous sales tool. I didn't know this was not available. It ruins our entire lead/sales process.
Does anyone know if this idea has been seen by HubSpot Administration? Do these discussions get forwarded from the Community or does HubSpot monitor or is this just users using this Discussion Board?