HubSpot Ideas


Attaching Offline contacts to a campaign


We need to be able to attach contacts we upload to a campaign in Hubspot.

Let's face it, not many companies are 100% online, we all go to events and attend conferences where we get contacts, or even do hosted paid and are given lists of contacts (who have downloaded our content, not outbound).

Salesforce allows us to attach contacts to a campaign with a workflow, could be an idea.


It would also be useful to be able to attach contacts to a campaign for "deal source" purposes > when we send an MQL to an SDR, they get in touch, and the person forwards them to someone else in th company, so we can also attach that person to the source campaign!


Because I don't have this posisbility, I have created a set of altnerate custom sources to track my marketing activities ROI and it is not fun.


Please find a way of doing this!




HubSpot Updates
In Planning
January 16, 2023 03:46 AM

Hi everyone, 


My name is Jenny Mueller and I am the Product Manager of Campaigns since last year.

I have changed the status of this request to 'in Planning', meaning that the team and I are working on a solution for you, available within the next couple of months. Once we have more precise beta launch dates to share, I will post another update in here. In that update, I will also share a link to a survey that enables you sign up for the early beta of the feature so you can provide any feedback. 


If you have any questions in the meantime, please let me know. 


Best regards,

Jenny Mueller 



156 Replies

Agreed with other posts in this thread, the best way is to create a landing page for the event and have people fill it in there (or fill it in yourself afterwards - painfully manual, Hubspot). 


Note of warning from someone who learned from terrible experience:

If you create a landing page for an event and you want people to sign in from one particular device, make sure the form you use has cookies disabled. If cookies are checked, it will merge all of your contacts from one device into one contact. I almost cried. Go to the form settings to do that.


There should be a way to select a campaign when manually entering a contact record.  Example:  A prospect calls in and my staff asks "how they heard about us" and the customer answers with "billboard."  We need a way to select a campaign that is associated with "billboard" when manually adding the record.


ABSOLUTELY NEED THIS PLEASE! I need to be able to see how our trade show campaigns perform with leads throughout their lifecycle...



Contributor | Elite Partner

I just hit this issue too. I can't believe it's not possible to manually associate contacts with a campaign in some way. This seems like an essential requirement for any basic marketing analytics tool.


How has this not been solved yet? I don't care which way we go - adding contacts to a campaign or a list to a campaign but for real, what's the solution? Hubspot cannot be this far behind.


It's insane that this doesn't exist.




Yes please! Mind you, this is so obvious there must be a reason why this hasn't been enabled thus far?? What is that reason?

Top Contributor

Yes, we are also looking for a solution to this. We need to attach offline activities/interactions e.g lunch and learns, meetings, etc to a specific campaign. When looking at influenced contacts from a campaign we also need to see those that have been influenced by an offline activity such as a meeting or event. 





This is essential for offline campaign tracking, integrated campaign performance and for Original Lead/Deal Source reporting. I'm new to HubSpot and am shocked it's not availble. I made the mistake of mass updating some event contacts from Original Source = 'Offline Source' to 'Other Campaign' (which makes more sense to me). I assumed the Original Drill-Down 1 and 2 information that included the event description would stay intact ... it doesn't! Those fields end up blank with the change 😞 


As our company grows this is going to be more problematic and we may have to look for a different solution. 


This is really strange.  Every other marketing automation tool has this capability to manually associate contacts/lists to campaigns- eloqua, marketo, etc.   This is an important feature missing and I am hoping it could be brought in soon. Thanks!


Shocked to discover this didn't exist -> please work on this. Thanks


Oh gawd...we’ve been using Salesforce AND Hubspot for years and just kicked Salesforce to the curb to go 100% Hubspot and the first thing I notice is that I can’t associate leads with a campaign manually like we did in Salesforce for years...


holy **bleep** why why why?

the only thing I can think of is that Hubspot is a “software” company and just doesn’t believe in OFFLINE marketing techniques like trade shows, meet and greets, lunch and learns and print advertising.

thats a shame.

we spend a lot on Hubspot marketing enterprise, sales pro and service pro — and we also spend a lot on trade shows.

why can’t we attribute a contact to an offline marketing event??


this is so terribly painful.


hubpsot please...please...please...


Hi Hubspot's guy !


A long long long time ago we asked for this !!!

And still still still still ... waiting !!!


Until when !!!


Is there a specific person to call ? Hubspot's CEO ?


Thanks to help us ASAP 🙂





Why don't the people on this thread start a social media campaign with its own hashtag -- #CampaignListConnect or something and make sure we tweet and talk about it online along. We can try and get Hubspot's attention that way.


I personnally went to Hubspot linkedIn and posted comments on their existing posts.  Someone answers this:

"Thank you so much for reaching out and providing this feedback. I understand the usefulness that this option would bring to your team’s workflow and wanted to let you know that I've sent along this feedback to our team. I've also given the idea an upvote in the ideas forum and have asked colleagues to do it as well so that the Dev team can see that this would be a very useful feature. I completely understand your frustration here and want to assure you that the team takes this type of feedback very seriously and it is very important to the growth of the product."

I'm ready to support your social media campaign or even create it. 


For all of you who have left comments on this thread and upvoted, please keep posting here to continually ask Hubspot to listen to this request...maybe with enough noise we can convince them that OFFLINE marketing is actually a viable marketing channel!




I think it's a great idea to start a social media campaign. If we all ask all our users to vote and comment we can hopefully generate enough noise. 


I can't believe this doesn't exist! Being able to create a list based on a campaign is a tool that Hubspot should have incorporated already... 


Definitely it is a great idea. It may save a lot of time and I cannot believe that it does not exist. It is a must!