I think it would be a great if youc ould allow users to attach files to tasks during task creation. Often times, tasks are created for task owners to review documents that it would be very convenient to have attached to the task when the owner receives an email notification or opens the task in HubSpot.
James P.
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Maybe to see eventually. Link tasks with their emails or comments. Difficult to find when we write an email and we create a follow-up task they are dissociated. Thank you 🙂
This seems like an obvious solution, and is already a function for emails. Our team would like to be able to attach files for tasks that require reviewing or signing documents. Currently, our work around is uploading a document & linking to it within the task body.
Agreed! This is very much needed on my end as well! 90% of the time when I am creating and assigning a task to someone, I have a attachments that are a key part of that task.
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