HubSpot Ideas


Associating email activity with a ticket

At present it is not automatically possible for emails sent/received to a contact(s) associated with a ticket to be logged on that ticket if sent via Gmail, opposed to internally within Hubspot. Instead it has to be done manually within Hubspot, through editing those emails, which do appear on perhaps the company or deal, and of course contact. 


It is a shame the same logic for attaching an email to a deal, company or contact is not applied to tickets. If the contact is associated with the ticket, then so should any correspondence be. 




19 Comentarios

Also within hubspot a conversation can only be associated to a ticket once one replies. It would be a lot better if the email could be associated with a ticket at any time. E.g. by pressing on "More" or by changing the "Create ticket" to "Associate ticket" and let the user choose between new or existing ticket.


Colaborador | Partner nivel Platinum

I agree. There´s a lo that could be done with the association function on tickets and conversations. 


In my case I´ve been having trouble when people email me directly about tickets that have been created. 


I tried re sending the email to the centralized inbox inorder to make the association, but this is only possible if you create a new ticket.


¿Does anyone know if there is a way to associate new conversations emails wih existing tickets? 


Would be very helpful.  We get emails which are referrals from third parties and would like to be able to associate with existing tickets.


Yes, I don't get why it doesn't associate with every open object associated with the Contact. I have to log, then go to the Contact, find the email, and manually add the association to a Ticket.


100% would love to be able to have sequence emails and tasks (which are sent/created from contacts not tickets), automatically associated to the existing ticket instead of manually associating everything to the ticket every time a step in the sequence is actioned (email is sent or a task is created).


I have been working to help our COO and our support staff become more automated and have introduced them to using Sequences, however the missing puzzle piece for us right now is having the association of the ticket to the sequence email is preventing the automation from kicking off. And the enrollment of the sequence begins on the TICKET RECORD!! So this makes no sense why a deal would get associated but a ticket is not.. Hubspot please make this available!!


Absolutely, it would be much more efficient for Hubspot to integrate this logical step rather than having to manually record the event each time to keep all of information in one place!


Please do this for outlook, too, not just gmail!


Contact conversations and future email conversations should be automatically shown in the activity feed of a ticket.  Just like a deal, you can select the past 30 days of activity to be included.  This same functionality would be very helpful!

Colaborador | Partner nivel Platinum



Very interested in this feature too !


We tend to have customers that send an email to the private mailbox of our guys, instead of replying to the support (shared) mailbox adress.

As such, those emails are not automatically associated to the corresponding ticket.

Getting that association setup manually is time consuming (see below). I think a simple ability to search for a ticket/deal from the gmail chrome integration and then have the current email associated into that ticket would be super easy to do and save tremendous time.


Current workflow:
1. Forward email to hubspot forward adress

2. Copy customer Email Adress

3. Search in hubspot for customer

4. Wait 1-2 minutes

4. Find customer and the forwarded Email

5. open email, go to associations, search for correct ticket. 

6. search for ticket again in global search

7. update ticket status accordingly


It would be great to be able to log emails to a ticket or contact from the Gmail Hubspot plugin.


I.e. if I receive an email from a contact regarding a ticket, I would like to be able to link that email to that ticket so that it shows up in the activity for that ticket.


I need to be able to log all the info associated with a ticket easily, I'm surprised this is not possible with Hubspot. When I open the email, I can see the ticket associated with the contact in the Hubspot plugin, I just can't find any way to link it to the ticket so it shows up in Hubspot.


If anyone has any easy way of doing this, please let me know. If not, I think this would be a really good feature to add.


Yup, We should be able to Assiciate Emails to Tickets & also have the option to display Sepcific Ticket Properties in a Ticket. 


Hubspot Team - kindly take this up, badly need this!




Agreed. We can *create* a ticket in the Hubspot web interface, but it's difficult to "add" to a ticket. (At least from the Conversation Inbox).


From the Contact Record, there *is* an "Add" option which lets you select an existing Ticket, or create a new Ticket:


Screenshot - 2022-06-15 , 12_44_21 PM_ver001.png

But it's not obvious.


This option does not seem to be available in the Office 365 plugin in Outlook for the Web, either. (OP indicates the GMail plugin)


Hey HubSpot Team, could you please look into this? 


We need this 😊


Yes, 100% agree this is needed.
We have internal and external users who tend to remove the associated support email address which causes that conversation to no longer be associated to the ticket.  Currently only way we can get it back in is reply to all and add back the support email address.
This is not an ideal solution.


This makes really good sense. 

I've set up a workflow that automatically bumps the customer after a certain amount of time where there's been no activity on the ticket itself. 
5 days afterwards without inactivity, it should close.


Sadly the bump & close mail that automatically is sent out isn't logged on the ticket itself and this makes it difficult to figure out whether or not it's been sent out.


'It is a shame the same logic for attaching an email to a deal, company or contact is not applied to tickets. If the contact is associated with the ticket, then so should any correspondence be.'


Totally agree with this. Would love emails to be automatically associated with tickets PLEASE!