There's actually another really important use case for this feature where everyone needs it: for history. Even if a contact is no longer associated with an organization, it would be nice to have an association for history. On that note, it would be nice to have start date and end date fields for this contact and organization relationship.
Would love to be a part of the beta please! Nowadays people are associated with more than one "company", it's beneficial and important to capture this information for sure.
We would be very interested in this feature as well, given that many of our clients manage multiple companies/entities. Currently working on building a workaround right now, but would much prefer a native solution/option to handle this.
Any updates? This functionality is crucial. I'm actually losing partner buy-in on the Hubspot platform as a whole without this function available. It's crazy that this is not rolled out yet. PLEASE let us know as soon as the beta is ready. I need this yesterday.
This is a key feature that our team needs as well - We need to reflect 3rd party consultants and implementation specialists as associated with multiple deals that we have with customers from a target organization. Please include in any future betas and notify upon implementation.
This would be super helpful if this was a functionality. Our business has a lot of advocates since we work with Non-Profits and a lot of the time there is a contact (lead) that is associated with both organziations and they are THE main contact for us. and our client. My workaround is adding their email address as an additional option but that is not enough for our insights.
We have hundreds of contacts that are associated with different Companies. At the moment, I have to choose which Company to import to HubSpot which means lots of my customers cannot be added. This is a major problem for us. If HubSpot wishes to operate at all levels of the market, not just enterprise, then this fix needs to be given priority.
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