Once a quote has been created, its deal association can no longer changed. For example, if I were to create Quote A, it was originally associated with Deal B. However, we only realized that it was associating to the wrong deal after the quote has been published. Unfortunately, there isn't a way to change the association of Quote A to Deal A at this time and quotes would have to be manually created again.
We also ran into this today where a quote was accidentally associated with the wrong deal. It would be great if we could change the deal the quote is associated with!
Agreed, trying to get clients to make use of the quoting tool and the limitations (like this one) make it a harder sell to use. This time it bit ME in the behind because I forgot and cloned the quote, which was attached to another deal.
For anyone else dealing (pun intended) with this:
Workaround #1 - download quote pdf and attach to the correct deal ** NOT ideal since this isn't dynamic and just a moment in time, but at least it is attached to the correct deal **
Workaround #2 - create a deal property of quote & put the quote link in it **AGAIN NOT ideal, but at least this version is dynamically linked to the quote itself*
I agree this would be very helpful, I did find that if I create a duplicate deal through a workflow to add the deal to another pipeline, the quote transfers over to that new deal. If that is already happening, wouldn't it be possible to transfer quote to another account?
Hubspot, you must be kidding me. You now have a "clone" function for a quote, but it can't be associated with a different deal? I'm losing faith in these forums and upvoting ideas is a complete waste of time. Hubspot, you need to get serious about these forums where real users have real needs. Quotes is not ready for prime time and I do not recommend others use it until Hubspot addresses a host of issues that are posted all over these forums.
Is this still an issue? I need to move a quote from one deal to another, can I still not do that? Surely this has been 'fixed' by Hubspot? This is very frustrating. Can a Hubspot moderator please respond?