HubSpot Ideas


Associate a form submissions with the associated company record

At this time, form submissions are only associated with the contact record.


It would be helpful for sales reps to be able to view all form submissions that have happened for a company within the company record


This would be especially helpful when working large accounts with multiple decision-makers and buyers. 

32 Comentários
HubSpot Employee

Posting this on my customer's behalf! 🙂 


This will be really helpful if we can associate form submissions to ticket records as well! While a support form is available for tickets, the use case is limited right now as we won't be able to send a form after the ticket is created. 


For example, we would be sending follow up forms to customers who are created from tickets but there is no way for us to associate the form submissions to existing tickets.  


While copying and pasting information is possible via workflow, it isn't the most ideal! Referencing another use case here


This would also be useful to publish the form submissions to the deal record as well! Our sales and account management teams work out of deals first before going to the contact and being able to see certain form submissions will help them be more efficient.


Form Submissions should be associated to Deal as well

HubSpot Việt Nam User


I am upvoting this. We really need form submissions to be able to update company records as well.



this is really frustrating, as within the company list view it calculates the total number of form submissions for that company, but then you would have to guess which contact has submitted a form if you wanted to investigated you can't simply filter the notes to form submissions! 


Same frustrations felt as GRoger5. It can't possibly be that hard to implement and would be extremely helpful. Please sort it out Hubspot.


This is a significant need for our company.  We have contacts associated with multiple companies (store locations all under different accounts).  I need to take form information tied to an account number (contextualized to the company, not the contact) as account number info would not be the same for all accounts related to that contact.  In the current paradigm I can't accomplish the goal for my team.  Please allow for company property information submitted on a form to be associated with a company, not just the contact.  


This idea was requested nearly 2 years ago and I'm surprised its not been considered, especially for a product that classifies itself on being a 'B2B' product?


In order to do engagement analysis at a company level this is fundamental, along with other engagement such as email and site visits?

In the current company view I am unable provide my business the detail at a company level.

Top colaborador(a)

Any update on this Hubspot?


It is really frustrating that this HubSpot is not able to populate the form submission details in deals or tickets. I am not sure how people can work with the service hub without having the form submission details automatically populated in tickets. 


Salesforce is beating Hubspot on this one! (YUCK!) Please, Please, Please, move this one up! Trying to train our sales team from salesforce and this is a huge miss from Hubspot. The company views in Hubspot are a pain point for every rep I have talked to. 


On the backend there's really no clean way to do this. If we add the property to the form we risk creating duplicate companies if they don't enter it in exactly like their teammates did. If we leave it as a hidden property it only works if they have filled out a form before. 


This makes us, as a hubspot user, look stupid in front of our clients and lose trust from our sales team. 


Hubspot will struggle with this because it goes against their logic > A contact submits a form with contact attributes so why should that appear on the company? 

In the real world though with Enterprise sales it's extremely important.


Shame it hasn't been actioned in 2 years.




The aggregate count of contact submitted forms is already being calculated in the property of a company record.  Not having key insights for associated contacts directly on the company activity feed is a large barier for adoption for my broader team. The data is partially there (total forms submitted, last session date, etc), but actually gaining meaningful insight is more work that it should be....let me know look through the 20 different associated contact records to find the 4 form submissions and who those people are. 


This would be really nice since its hard for Account Managers to know if one of the 50+ contacts  have filled out a form submission. Would be greaet if they easly can just see in the company activity feed that one of the contacts filled out a form recently. 


+1 For this feature.
Ability to associate form submisison to Company, Deals, etc.


Would be extrememly useful if forms populated the company profile and saved as an attachment. under the company, not just a contact. Right now, we have an onboarding form and having to guess which contact was the one who did the onboarding over a year ago to acess the form is a real pain. 


Would love to be able to associate a form submission to company, deal, and custom objects records. For example, we use Events as a custom object. When a salesperson completes the Event Report Form which includes a dropdown list of all approved event records, we would like to associate the report form submission to the event record.


So the ability to associate a form submission with other objects (including custom objects) besides a contact would be great.


This would be very helpful, especially if the form would enable a list of selected companies to pull through and be chooosen. 

Absolutely agree, right now a form submission can create a ticket but a form cannot be associated to an existing ticket, similar to the way a note or email can.  I'm wondering why forms don't function the same way that logged calls, emails, meetings, and notes do?  Oftentimes (for us at least) the information in the form is related to several objects.  Right now we have to copy the contents of the entire form and paste it into a note and then create the applicable associations to tickets, deal, etc. Huge manual lift.
Would be great if a form had the capability to associate to objects.

This is not acceptable. HubSpot team - please fix this - it is a BUG! 


Everything in HubSpot is able to be associated to a CONTACT COMPANY or DEAL. 


Your own HubSpot  UI is in direct disagreement with this entire thread - please see screen shot below and FIX THIS BUG. 


