Issue: Tickets Owner and associated Conversation Assignee are not linked.
Use Case: Our support team rotates who is on call. Whoever is on call during a specified period of time will answer incoming client issues for that period. To facilitate this, we have the Conversations Inbox set to unassigned for new incoming messages. We also have it set to automatically create new tickets, which also have the ticket owner as unassigned. If a support rep claims a Ticket they set themselves as the owner, BUT the associated Conversation is still shown as unassigned.
As a result it diminishes our team's ability to work out of both the Ticket and Conversation areas concurrently, as ownership of something in one area is not reflected in the other. This reduces the usefulness of the Conversations Inbox.
Solution: When an unowned Ticket (automatically created from a new Conversation) has it's owner set, also assign the associated Conversation to the same user.
Hi everyone! I'm Sophie from the Service Hub product team, here with an update on this request:
🎉 Help desk is currently in public beta. Help desk combines the best of tickets and converstions into a single workspace to drive efficiency and connectivity between your business, support team, and customers resulting in faster resolution times and improved satisfaction. Learn more in this video overview and on the KB. (Plus: here's how you can migrate from inbox to help desk.)
Help desk is currently available for seated Service Hub Pro and Enterprise customers. We will be enabling the collaboration use-case (for non-Service Hub seated users) with the upcoming release to all. You can opt in here, or by navigating to Product Updates in the top right corner of your portal and searching for "help desk." If you have any questions, please reach out to your CSM or email us at
Awesome thanks for the feedback! We are currently looking at ways to solve this problem, both natively within the app and also later in workflows. I will post when I have more information about the solution and a timeline for each part.
Thanks so much for the feedback. We are currently looking into this issue, so updating the status. I will provide more details and a timeline as we dig into this.
I am curious about a couple of things and would love some input as we think through this problem.
1. Would you always want the conversation owner and the ticket owner to be the same?
2. If not, what are the use cases that you would want the owners to be different between conversations owner and ticket owner?
Feel free to email me at to chat in more detail about this issue.
@Brucey - hmmm that is interesting. I haven't dug into it in detail, but even our first assignment is syncing between the 2 (image). But I could very-well be missing some context here. Could be worth diving into though!
My business would also love this feature! We're never in a situation where the ticket assignee and the conversation assignee would be a different person. We use mainly tickets over the conversations, and remembering to change both is proving very difficult.
Let's keep nudging this one. We just implemented the Service hub last week and this is a major pain point. New conversations come in and we triage and assign the ticket but then conversation is assigned to a different user and there is all kinds of confusion. (now to go find the community thread on why conversations have to be replied to from the conversation inbox in order for them to appear on the Email tab of a ticket...)
100%! Inboxes and Tickets should be interchangeable and cascade updates in both directions. My team receives emails via inbox which auto-creates our tickets and from there all work, ticket updates and especially (re)assignments occur from the ticket.
Hi, we just implemented service hub, and for us, conversation owner and ticket owner should always be the same. Did somebody already find a workflow to resolve this?
@cdewey22 Any updates or ETA when this will be implemented? Having to manually change the two owners to match takes up additional time which users could've spent working on other tickets. Thanks!
We've been waiting for updates on this for over a year, any developments?
Not having Conversation and Ticket owner associated (and updated) automatically if either of them changes causes issues and does not make much sense. After all, why would the Conversation owner be different than the person owning the ticket?
"In planning" since 2021... HubSpot keeps adding so many unnecessary new features to get attention, when it's foundational elements NEVER get any attention. This is ridiculous theres no way to get the ticket owner to match up with the conversation owner. Why would they ever be different anyways really? This makes the conversations inbox useless for our team.
4 years and still this bug exists. If assigning the conversation can assign the ticket, why then can't a ticket assign the conversation? It boggles my mind that a fix that should only take a competent programmer half an hour to code and test still has not been done. Why would anyone waht the 2 items not to be assigned to the same person? I can't think of any use case where that would happen.
I can't believe this isn't a feature that is included. Want to know what's really crazy? It's a read-only property, so you can't edit it with a workflow.
Want to know what's REALLY REALLY crazy?
They don't have an API Endpoint to set the owner. So even if you are willing to go through the effort on Operations to code your own logic to make it work, you STILL can't do this.
It's ridiculous, and until this is fixed, I will not be recommending that my clients move from ZenDesk to HubSpot for their support desk needs.
This has been "in planning" for almost 3 years and it is the biggest issue I have with Asana. I can't believe you have not implemented this yet. The idea of separating tickets from converstaions - and hense notifications - it utterly ridiculous! Can you update as to when this will be available - so many people want this.
Hi everyone! I'm Sophie from the Service Hub product team, here with an update on this request:
🎉 Help desk is currently in public beta. Help desk combines the best of tickets and converstions into a single workspace to drive efficiency and connectivity between your business, support team, and customers resulting in faster resolution times and improved satisfaction. Learn more in this video overview and on the KB. (Plus: here's how you can migrate from inbox to help desk.)
Help desk is currently available for seated Service Hub Pro and Enterprise customers. We will be enabling the collaboration use-case (for non-Service Hub seated users) with the upcoming release to all. You can opt in here, or by navigating to Product Updates in the top right corner of your portal and searching for "help desk." If you have any questions, please reach out to your CSM or email us at