HubSpot Ideas

Archive Objects (contacts, companies, deals, tickets)

It would be great to "archive" deals that have either been won or lost, so that they don't appear on the dashboard or deals table. This way you wouldn't lose the information from the deal and it would affect the figures on your deals dashboard.

99 Commentaires
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It looks as though something is in the pipeline for archiving contacts (sorry not the op I know - but archiving contacts has been mentioned several times).  I wrote a reply to another query over in the CRM discussions.  Here's a link: 


And if you don't like following links (who could blame you with all the cyberattacks at present) - here's a repost:


I knew I'd read about this recently - and there is a tool to flag your contacts so they don't count when you get your next HubSpot renewal.  It's not quite an archive because they're all still in your account - so you could argue it's better than an archive.  See


According to the article, you can have up to 1 million contacts 'for free' - and only pay for those you market to.


And on further reading... the small print says "Please note: this functionality is currently available on a limited basis for test users in the ANZ region."  So either the document is out of date - or anyone who needs this functionality needs to move to New Zealand 😉


@PeterC Interesting idea -- when I click on the link though, it says "We're sorry. This offer is not available in your region."  I am in the US, so it looks like they've limited this functionality to either outside of the US or only in New Zealand as a trial.  That would definitely do the trick, because only paying for those you market to would definitely help clean up our system (and reduce costs for those that are older or that we are not engaged with without removing them forever).  I think this could work... but Hubspot has purposefully built some walls around it!

Contributeur de premier rang

Looks like this is available for everyone now:


Perhaps a suggestion to @Dylan to solve two user stories in 1 fix:


If Hubspot would allow a worklflow for "delete record" (like there is one for Create Record), it would be possible to add an additional stage "Archive" to any workflow. When a deal would be placed into that stage, two workflows (which the user needs to setup obviously) can be initiated to

  • Create a new deal in a second pipeline "Archive,  containing all archived deals from potentially several pipelines
  • Delete the original deal from the overview

Not only will this solve two current issues, it might also increase the subscription of users as they would require a paid subscription for the solution to work, perhaps convincing people to step up from the free tier of your amazing product. 


I also don't expect a "delete workflow" to be too hard to build but that's just my two cents 🙂 


Kind regards




Would be great to have an archive for old products so they are not avaiable anymore to be chosen for a deal.


Hi everyone,


@PeterC  pointed out the news page on hubspot feature but I didn't see anything about it archive.


As every customer on this page, to keep upvoting (even after 3 years) is important.


Please hubspot ! 


This would be SO helpful - we want a running list so we can see the full picture, but we have so many deals it becomes overwhelming to look at. Please add this to the list of updates!


This is a must! Especially for deals. Please incorporate!


I Agree!


It would really be needed - today you can filter old closed deals with the workflow/filtering tool.


But one feature that is really needed is to archive those deals from the contact/company records too! We tend to get companies with tons of deals on the right-hand sidebar which could easily be archived (for instance 3 months after close date, if a new deal has been created archive the previous one)


happy to learn if there are any more news on this topic !


Archiving of objects is badly needed!!!


Is this still not currently planned 4 years along?


There is a real and obvious need to be able to "archive" deals and also contact records so that data is not lost, even if it is not currently active. 


I'd like to be able to archive Contacts as quite a few of ours change companies regularly (particularly contractors) and we'd like to keep profiles of former customers so when their details change, we can edit them and reactivate them.


Hi, any updates on the Archiving quests?  We are needing to archive both contacts and companies to provide us a true record of whos in our membership base.  I see we can Delete and the system holds the record for 90 days.  Would HubSpot be able to provide an Archive option, thus holding the records indefinitely?  This would provide us the option to reinstate the contact or company if they reengage with our organisation down the track.


Yes great idea to have a section on this so we do not need to keep contacts that are gone and all their information is saved on HS. This is a necessity to have within HS. Super beneficial! My company has a lot of contacts that get replaced with someone new or they are no longer with their company, but their information is important to have to look back on. Thanks!


I am shocked that this isn't a feature!  Please add this!


The ignoring of this request and the canned responses is what you get when the people building your CRM don't actually have sales experience/expertise. They can't possibly fanthom why we would need this.


Yeah, not deals but the contacts as well!) 


We would like to archive Deals, Tickets and custom object records. As we grow, the number of records is getting out of control. This would keep our data cleaner.