HubSpot Ideas


Approval process


From a system and compliance view, one of the issues we are currently facing is trying to monitor what our users are creating within Hubspot on a daily basis. Whilst ensuring that relevant checks/departments/managers have signed off on what has been created.

For tools such as workflows, email templates, email sequences etc. it would be idea for specific users {super admins for example} to receive notifications {or better} be able to set a multi stage approval process {directly within Hubspot} when something new is created. This would help to ensure that what has been created has been checked and signed off by relevant areas/mangers etc. before it goes live.

For example; Email sequences / Emails templates
We want to give permissions for users to use this. However, by allowing access, risks are attached as we need to ensure that all emails have been created correctly, checked and signed off by relevant departments/managers. This is to ensure that we are not breaching regulatory requirements {financial promotions etc.} and it meets our branding guidelines. Also, when any amendments are made to these templates, the same process above need to be recompleted/signed off.


Currently this is all completed/recorded outside of Hubspot and uploaded by a specfic team. It would be beneficial if we could do this directly in Hubspot. By having a multi stage approval/notification, in which, we could set this as a requirement for Email sequences/Emails templates, ensuring that required approval/chain of approval have been completed. 

Also, having an audit log showing who created/edited, who approved etc. would be great for auditing purposes.

HubSpot Updates
August 16, 2023 08:11 AM

Hello HubSpot community members!


My name is Vaishnavi and I'm a Product Designer at HubSpot. Nice to meet you😄.


Thank you for your feedback. We’re in the process of exploring this idea. To help us better understand your needs for setting up an approval process in your pipeline, could you please take this short survey ? Thank you!

13 Replies

I agree this should be a capability ideally built by HubSpot. Other major Content Management Systems integrated with other CRMs have recently launched this capability. Also, it should not be limited to email templates or email sequences, but as many areas in HubSpot as possible including files, blog posts, landing pages, web pages, forms, and perhaps even lower level changes such as field additions/changes or website menu changes.


Yes, for us it would be also beneficial if we would have such an approval process. Especially for webpages. Otherwise the Write permission without the Publish permission doesn't make any sense.


Yes this would be great to be able to set up one or more authorisers for content from within HubSpot




I agree. It would be great to have more content planning and collaboration possibilities. E.g. planning our content calendar across marketing channels and then collaborate with other Hubspot users to create, edit, review and approve content BEFORE it is placed into the social media scheduler or a newsletter template as one use case.

HubSpot Product Team

Hello HubSpot community members!


My name is Vaishnavi and I'm a Product Designer at HubSpot. Nice to meet you😄.


Thank you for your feedback. We’re in the process of exploring this idea. To help us better understand your needs for setting up an approval process in your pipeline, could you please take this short survey ? Thank you!


Hi team, we need this. Too many people need / have access to workflows at Pleo and we need a way to start regulating how we release work there.

With the ability to start creating a log.



Big issue for us as well: we have several stakeholders who want to build Workflows, but we want to make sure they are subject to approval before going live (too many possibilities for creating havoc, looking at the sheer amount of Companies and Contacts that we have)


Would be super useful for us at Pleo!


Being able to control who can view, edit and set workflows live would be an absolute game changer. We have approval flows for emails and landing pages so this would be a step in the right direction. 


New to Hubspot webpages and I am frankly astounded that there is no way to gather input/approval on a web page before it is published! Looks like this has been a need for a long time. Does anyone have a workaround or a system they use? 


Checking in on this thread. Is it possible to create a workflow for a workflow? 


We want our managers to be able to benefit from Hubspot capabilities and at least create a skelaton version of a desired workflow before it is checked and approved for implementation. Thank you! 

Participant | Diamond Partner

I have a client who would ideally need this functionality - particularly around forms.

We have an integration from HubSpot to their in-house data platform, and any new form fields added by the team need to incorperated into this integration to ensure the data is managed consistently.

Currently this process is in-efficient and has to be managed outside of hubspot. A way for this to be approved by our integration team before they can publish would be ideal.