HubSpot Ideas


Approval Process for Social Media Posts (with Notifications)

HubSpot needs to have an approval process for Social Posts that send notifications for post approval to authorized users.

  1. User A drafts a post and submits it for approval
  2. User B gets a notification (email, slack, push, sms etc) that an approval is pending
  3. User B can approve or deny post
70 Replies

Really hoping this comes in soon, glad to hear its being reviewed.

I was using salesforce social studio which had the feature but was an entirely separate platform to pardot. 

HubSpot is a far superior tool in gerenal but would love to have this additional feature. I couldn't find any add-ons and its something my team really need.


I'm new to hub spot, so this is two years of a product review? Really? This feature is a basic need for any business with more than one person.  Surprised to see this feature is still pending.  I guess I might have to keep my other social posting tool for now. Too bad really wanted a all in one solution. 


Have to say I agree with Dstern. The idea that so many users have to keep their other social products open while paying for Hubspot and not being able to use it is hectic. Relaly hoping this gets bumped up ASAP.


Is it possible to get an update on the review? 

Contributor | Diamond Partner

I saw the new beta for social publishing, and emails not have comments and approvals. Can we get those features into the new social publishing tools, please!? 🙂


Would be great to see this update put live soon, it would really help with social media monitoring and mangement.


This idea just had it's 4th birthday 🎂 🎉

The original feature request  was submitted by @Daria almost 6 years ago, marked as delivered, failed to actually diliver the feature that was requested, a "new idea" was submitted (which is now more popular that the original) and has been sitting "under review" for almost 3 years.


The lack of communication AND the lack of speed at which a decision to develop or not develop this feature makes me sad.

@jacquimalis  or @Daria is there any update on this? 




@eoswald  - interestingly, Kyle Jepsen dropped a video last week featuring the beta for an approval-based system for email, similar to what we're all clammoring for here. I asked him if/when this might make it's way to social, and his response was that it's not ready yet, but approvals-based workflows like the one in beta for email right now are high on the list of priorities for 2023. 


I totally get your frustration - I've held off two other industry-specific social platforms in the hopes that HubSpot will deliver this soon - but after using the email approval beta for a week, I can say it's going to be worth the wait. Crafted, not cobbled, is how HubSpot defined their work building the paltform, and I'm hopeful this will be a great solution. 


"In review" for 4 years! Wow! 🤔 The bigger the company, the slower the process. Unfortunately.


Very much interested in this feature being implemented (Planable does it in a great way) but the slow pace at which things are progressing doesn't leave me with much hope or positivity. 

HubSpot's social features are years behind everyone else. I was certainly expecting something from such a big company. 



Participant | Elite Partner

We have for most clients Marketing Professional Hub.

People don't want to connect their personal account if they won't get a notification and approval. This is a missed opportunity.

Would be great to have this!


This would be an amazing feature. I would also like to select who on my team gets the approval notifications.


We would like to have this Enterprise feature. Any news?


Very bizarre that you can comment on a newsletter and on a blog post via Hubspot but still not on a social post. Is there another update where this is on the roadmap?

Participant | Partner

We're about to purchase HeyOrca for this. It'd be nice if we didn't have to spend more money on social media software.


Really hoping this is rolling out soon now that they are adding approval capabilities to other tools like emails and blogs. We would love to eliminate our social scheduling tool outside of HubSpot to bring it under the same umbrella, but I do think it needs this and better reporting on social analytics before we would make the switch. 


Just adding to the dogpile --would really love the ability to be notified of a pending social media draft, make edits, and then push to schedule the post. 


Yes, what is the update?

HubSpot Product Team
Contributor | Diamond Partner

Thank you @Leeyman !!! Let me know when a private beta is ready or if you want to chat with a partner while in development. 🙂