HubSpot Ideas


Allowing Lookup Values as Properties

It would be valuable to be able to create proprties that are lookup values of records from other entities. As an example, On "Companies" I would like to be able to lookup a "Contact" where I could have the contact be a property on the company.  The Contact, serving as a property for Compnies could indicate a "Referring Contact" or "Principal Owner". 


This would allow referrals to be tracked for credit and reporting, among other uses.

97 Replies

This is a really big missing feature between Salesforce and Hubspot! Please allow us to reference other records or objects within a field! Some things that this could be used for:

  • If a deal was referred by another company or contact, being able to link that company/contact on the deal in a referrer field (click through and reportable to get the ID)
  • A field to track the Primary Contact on the deal or company (click through to the contact and reportable to get the ID)
  • A field to track the Billing Contact on the deal or company (click through to the contact and reportable to get the ID)
  • On a renewal deal - referencing to a previous deal that is being renewed (click through to the deal and reportable to get the ID).
  • etc.

There are so many places where this would be useful!


Especially with custom objects, this feature is a must-have. If HubSpot is ever going to be a viable replacement for Salesforce and Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM, this feature needs to be implemented.


Agreed. Very important feature that the lack of is limiting the use of Hubspot significantly.


Agreed, we need this to link different partner contacts and partner companies to deals.




Agreed. A really strong CRM would have the ability to have lookup fields from one object to another. 


Here to add my voice to this. Hubspot really really needs a lookup table feature to remain a viable competitor to some of the other MAPs I've used. When you need to do a look up (if value 1 is X, then value 2 should be Y)  for more than a few values, doing this kind of logic in a workflow is nightmarish. I still can't believe Hubspot doesn't have a solution for this. 


I need this really bad, it's kind of a deal breaker


I agree, it's a huge shortcoming. I need to link two companies to a deal ... one company and various contacts are not enough.
We as a company trade our product through a wholesaler, but it is the installer we work with on the project...  


if nothing else, is it possible to see contacts' associated deals on their company? 


Also adding my vote to this feature request! 🙏

Participant | Diamond Partner

Also adding my vote!  😎

Participant | Diamond Partner

@JustinEverett  have you found some temporary work arounds that have worked for you? 


@AdamSand Hubspot's ABM setup works for some of these use cases, but otherwise, no. I'd love one, though! I've seen some people put the additional info in the Contact's title like "Accounting Manager [Billing]" but I don't love this solution.

My main use case is renewal deals and being to indicate which deal renews which prior deal. I handle this today with a field on an expiring deal where I indicate the renewal status of the new deal. It **bleep** and is manual, but it's my best way forward at this point.


This idea needs way more votes. Im surprised more people haven't voted for it. HubSpot absolutely needs this type of field especially with custom objects. Custom Objects are almost useless without this field type. 


You could build so much more stuff after you make this field type and really become a customizable orientated CRM that can compete with Salesforce and Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM. Right now your sort of just touching your foot in the water with custom objects but really need to add more features to it. 


I suspect when something really crucial isn't getting upvotes its only because people don't know what to call it to search for it to upvote it. But I agree - this gap is one big reason to discuss moving to a more customizable CRM like Salesforce. 


Your abosultely right EParzek! ALot of people don't know what type of field this is called. I spent over 30 minutes trying to explain it to our HubSpot rep. They clearly never worked in other CRM's. But its a very common field in true customizable CRM's. And it really is a game changer in making custom apps/relationship tables that all talk together. 

The HubSpot sales team are a bunch of criminals. I specifically asked for
this feature, which they told me custom objects would do. All I had to do
is spend more money.

Turns out custom objects are completely useless and do not have lookup

They kept the money anyway. The solution is not to use HupSpot.

As mentioned above, very significant gap between HubSpot and Salesforce here. Leads to tons of duplicate properties and workflows to keep data synced between objects. Please prioritize this as a new feature!


omg how do we not have this? We're talking 1980's relational db! Even the most basic databases have this.




We need this feature to track the success of our programs.