Allow users to be 'primary team member' of more than one team
Currently, a user can be a 'primary' member of only one team. The user can be added to other teams as an 'additional team member', but many team features are unavailable to these 'additional' users (see list of restrictions below).
This is problematic and causing us considerable pain because some users need full access to multiple teams, e.g. an individual who is multi-role, or management/supervisory staff who need to monitor what goes on in the team. This is particularly true in smaller businesses. The one primary team restriction seems unjustifiable .
These users will not be included in any team reports, routing rules (e.g., conversation routing rules), team notifications (e.g., form submission email notifications to a team), or workflow rotation actions. They will also not be able to view any custom records views set up for the team.
The solution is to allow users to be primary members of multiple teams.
Hi folx! I’m Liz Handt, the Product Manager for HubSpot’s Users & Teams tools.
Thank you all for taking the time to submit, upvote, and comment on this Idea. I'm happy to report that this Idea is now In Planning. This means that our team is preparing designs for this feature. However, we would love to have a short conversation with customers to better understand your experience, and get some feedback on the solutions we're pursuing. If you’re interested in sharing feedback and are available for a 30 minute call in the next few weeks, please fill out this form. Thank you!
All updates will be relayed on this thread, so stay tuned!
Hi all, thanks for your feedback here! We are currently reviewing this and other Teams related feedback and are hoping to introduce some changes to help with the usage of Teams in apps like Reporting, Forecasts, Goals, and in Routing functionality.
We've spoken with a few of you already, but would love to have a short conversation with additional customers and chat through a solution idea specific to the Sales Reporting feedback. If you are interested in sharing feedback and are available for a 30 minute call in the next couple of weeks, please send me an email at
All team members, regardless if they are primary or secondary team members should be included in the reporting tool. There are many times when a Deal Owner may play a fundamental part in two different teams, and should therefore not be excluded in the reporting for that team.
At the moment, it is a limitation that almost defeats the purpose of having teams. It would be brilliant to see in a future product rollout 🙂
Jumping back in to bump this post. The inability for a user to get the functionality of the extra teams he is a part of is obsurd and makes the functionality of having extra members useless.
We are looking at building sales goals. We have members of leadership that also contribute to the sales numbers. I'm not going to assign them as a primary to a sales team just so they can be included in sales goals. That's just one of many painpoints around this so called feature.
Working on the new goals platform and the inability to create teams that aren't main members ruins the tool. Please fix!!! This will make the goal reporting AMAZING!!
In our organization, employees are members of multiple "primary teams" (i.e., regional and subject teams), and we need the possibility to add numerous primary teams to a user account.
To those asking, "Why would I use nested teams if I can't use more than a user's main team for reporting?" You may be interested to know that, in addition to reporting, teams are used for other things in HubSpot, which take nesting into account - namely permissioning of HubSpot features and content.
If you are using team-level permissioning and have a nested team structure, it's important to be aware of how access levels flow. According to HubSpot, "Teams above others can see everything owned below them, but the teams under can't see everything own..." For example, In the nested team structure below, Team 1 will have access to everything that it has specifically been granted access to AND it will acquire the access granted to the teams below it (Team A, Team B, Team i, and Team ii). Similarly, Team A will have access to everything that it has specifically been granted access to AND it will acquire the access granted to the teams below it (Team i and Team ii). Conversely, Team i will only have access to the content that it has been specifically granted access to; it will not inherit access from the teams above it.
This feature is fundamental to lead generation, as we have teams for reporting and pipeline but also teams for leads and sales enquiries. Not having the upgrade not only wastes time when team members leave/new starters or move teams, but is not sustainable from a lead generation perspective.
Totally agree, this feature needs to be implemented as soon as possible, especially with such high demand. It is extremely time-consuming having to rotate between individual users, especially when employees leave and new employees join!
This is such a problem being the project owner and tryign to setup right access, permissions, worklfows and reportign strructure for different teams. It's such a pain. Right now have been recommended to switch being Main user in different teams but it's not a good solution. There should be like a develop access where you can setup different things for various teams. Definitley votign for this to be solved sooner.
I agree, additional team members need to have the same capabilities as primary team members, especially in workflows where we are using teams to assign tasks or notify team members of changes in a deal status.
Hi all, thanks for your feedback here! We are currently reviewing this and other Teams related feedback and are hoping to introduce some changes to help with the usage of Teams in apps like Reporting, Forecasts, Goals, and in Routing functionality.
We've spoken with a few of you already, but would love to have a short conversation with additional customers and chat through a solution idea specific to the Sales Reporting feedback. If you are interested in sharing feedback and are available for a 30 minute call in the next couple of weeks, please send me an email at
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