Allow users to be grouped into teams for permissions and reporting
For companies that work with independent sales teams for different product categories, we need to create different sales groups and each one of them needs to have a very own "sales group admin".
This "sales admin" would only be able to see the deals within his team but not deals from other teams.
Respectively, a sales person from a certain team could not have access to deals that are not in his group.
Lack of this single feature is making our clients use a separate CRM.
This is also a make or break feature for us. Otherwise we love Hubspot's functionality, but we in order to bring it on full bore for the company, being able to create working groups around contacts is critical. I see that the status has been changed to "In Planning" - can you give any additional info about when we can expect this feature to roll out?
Often times I have a TEAM of 2-5 customers/contacts involved in the sales process. 1 contact is the leader and the others are team members. So there is the following structure: COMPANY > Team1,2,3 > Contacts.
Solution for: How can I link contacts together as TEAM members?
This could be the biggest deal breaker for our sales teams. Our sales teams like to keep their individual team deals, companies and contacts not visible to other teams. Also, it is easy if you have multiple sales managers to track their team acitivities easily. I would say this is a must in HubSpot CRM.
Signal 88 Security is a franchise and requires additional layers for in CRM for users.
Currently there is only the Main Company, then a division or sub company and then a user. Users can see their data and/or company data but NOT their regions or team’s data.
We have our top layer the franchisor or main company, then we have franchisees – offices or regions if you will, in those offices we have multiple people who need to work together and see that offices/region’s data but we cannot. We can see our own or the whole company, that’s it. This should be an easy fix to allow groups access to an office or Multiple offices. Can you help?
As it currently stands, a user can not be limited to seeing only assigned deals without also limiting his/her ability to view Contacts and Companies.This bundling of Contacts/Companies/Deals is rather clunky.
Ideally, managers can allow users to view contacts and the associated companies, but not deals. This will allow sales team to be informed and avoid accidentally prospecting someone else's lead, without having actual access to intimate deal details.
Are there any plans on the horizon to make user permissions more flexible??
I would like to be able to create sales territories with one or multiple sales users assigned to them. The Sales users assigned to the territories would be able to see all contacts and companies within those terriroties, but not ones outside of their territory.
Currently the only way to restrict viewing of contacts is via HubSpot Ownership, but you can only have 1 Hubspot owner per contact or company.
We also want to create a view for the Sales Manager of one territory to be able to check the progress of their team, but not be able to see the other team's deals.
@beatrizarantes this feature has just been released to Beta! With the new User Permissions settings currently being tested by our product team, portals will now have the option to create teams for their users. Teams are sets of users with the same permissions. Once you've created a team, you can assign individual users to it, and filter on team ownership and team activities in the CRM.
All users should now be able to switch back and forth between these two different permissions settings, but once they edit a user's permissions or add a new user using new User Management, they won't be able to switch back.
Just tried out this feature. Gread enhancement. However, it seems like a user can belong only to 1 team at a time. That severely limits the ablity to setup team based selling/client management and contacts access.
In the Teams setup, I can add a user to a Team. However, when a user is added to a team, it reomves that user from any previously assigned team, effectively leaving the user only on the latest team assigned.
Can you please allow for a user to belong to multiple teams to fully leverage team based permissions.
Agree with @AmarP, multiple teams per person is a must. Even if this is only applied to the management who need to see a range of products/teams, it will always be the case. @AndyPitre
For companies that work with independent sales teams for different product categories, we need to create different sales groups and each one of them needs to have a very own "sales group admin".
This "sales admin" would only be able to see the deals within his team but not deals from other teams.
Respectively, a sales person from a certain team could not have access to deals that are not in his group.
Lack of this single feature is making our clients use a separate CRM.
Update: Settings, Permissions & Teams Now Available to All HubSpot Accounts
I'm happy to announce that HubSpot rebuilt the tools you use to manage users inside HubSpot from the ground up. You’ll find a number of awesome improvements, and a clean new design. Please see this post from the Product Updates blog for a rundown of these new features.
Please note: These features are now being rolled out to all HubSpot users! This process will take us up to a week to complete - you’ll have them in your HubSpot account soon. In the meantime, you can still turn them on manually - see post above.
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