Allow the use of relative dates in workflow/smart list criteria
HubSpot Marketing currently only allows smart lists and workflows to use Deal date fields as absolute values (eg. August 17, 2017). This makes it very difficult to create smart lists and workflows based on aging deals or moving time ranges.
The ability to use relative date fields (eg. today, older than 2 weeks, less than 2 months ago) would open up so many possibilities in dynamic workflow enrollment.
I would like to see HubSpot Product/Engineering respond here and to explain/justify the gap in design in why relative dates are not able to be used in Workflows.
This has been a marketing automation platform in other platforms for almost 15 years so I do not see the reason why HubSpot has this gap.
This is very important to our team as well! We just went live with HubSpot a few days ago and found that we cannot filter by, for example, deals created on today in a workflow or list. It's a big concern for us.
Huge huge concern for us as well when we started with Hubspot. We do not have the ability to close a deal and then set up a project start date with some kind of check-in cadence with the client. This is because you cannot configure a workflow to say: Use the project start date and send an email to client X days after that project start date. This is possible to engineer... You can trigger actions x numbers of days before or after a date field.
Huge issue for us. And googling this issues shows that many users have this issue. Therefore it is very strange that HubSpot haven't replied on this, with an estimate on when to solve this?
I think it's something that marketers especially those who do customer journeys based on relative periods of time, need to keep pushing for. Without it HubSpot is not truly a marketing automation platform.
Salesforce / Marketing Cloud release new software CONSISTENTLY (3x a year) with updates and improvements.
HubSpot - where are you and when can we expect a fix for this?! Could we please have some insight into what's on the roadmap? Otherwise, we may need to start shopping elsewhere for a solution.
Agree with all above. Not having the ability to trigger workflows based on relative deal-related date properties is a major issue in HubSpot. Echo @SamuelSt
+1 from us -- we want to send auto-notifications to sales whenever one of their deals is getting close to its close date. Only solution I can see is to use the API, which is not something we'd like to do.
We need this ability for the new activity criteria as well. I want to create smart lists of contacts that were called and who answered in the last 30 days.
Yup! I'm creating a list that sends a "Welcome" email to clients who's "Intake" is TODAY. Struggling to figure out how to do this. Greater than 0 days, less than 1 day from now? It's confusing.
This is very important for sales follow up to not fall through the cracks. If we have a variable time then it can be set to specific intervals. ie. after 3 weeks of no activity send notification to team.
Please, Hubspot, help us out with this! It's really limiting and many other lesser systems can do this. It's technically very possible. Please prioritize this. Thank you!
My example: I have a custom date field on Deals for Trial Start Date. I'd like to set up a Workflow with a trigger for 2 days after the Trial Start Date (whatever that date is, not a specific calendar date) to trigger a series of actions.