Allow the use of fiscal year when creating revenue goals
Currently, the revenue goals tool is very useful, but it doesn't allow you to make goals in a different year than the year the goal started in, which is not conducive to people who function on a fiscal year rather than calendar year. Please allow folks to use the fiscal year when creating revenue goals!
CORRECT, the revenue goal feature is POINTLESS if you run on a different fiscal year. why on earth would you make the revenue goals for reporting when most sales reports track against your revenue goal BUT NOT ALLOW YOU TO MAKE GOALS FROM A DIFFERENT FISCAL YEAR. hubspot is such garbage
What is the point of setting a fiscal year under account settings if you can't use it when setting up a goal?
HubSpot, please add the option for users to utilize their fiscal year when creating a goal.
For our company, our fiscal year is July-June. But when creating goals we have to do twice the work because we can only select by year. Total waste of time.
I am appalled that the fiscal year is not available for use in goal creation when it is an option for the account settings. It seems useless if we cannot use it for goal creation.
Adding the fiscal year for goal creation would save a lot of headache from users.