Our team would love to have an auto-rounding function for the Amount in the deal tab. We deal is some pretty large numbers for our deals (typically anywhere from $50k to over $1 million).
If you could allow users (or admins) to set the auto-rounding function that owuld be even better. I at least want to round to the nearest dollar, but it would be even better for us if I had the option to round to the nearest $100 or $1000.
This would make reporting SO much easier to read. We get into some pretty long numbers when reporting aggregated information and on a report that shows 12 data points (monthly for a year), the long numbers run together.
We've recently decluttered the board view, simplifying how amounts appear. All users will now seecurrencyamounts on the board auto-formattedas follows:
Rounded up to the nearest whole number
Amounts over 1 million will be abbreviated (e.g. 1.2M)
Amounts under 1 million will appear in full, up to the nearest whole number (e.g. 999,999)