Allow multiple people to book a Meeting during the same time slot
we would like to offer free product demos on the website and use the meetings tool to allow users to book.
However, as a cloud videoconfrencing provider offering virtual meeting rooms (VMRs), we would like to run video meetings to allow multiple guests to join one meeting. It would be great to have the functionality to let multiple users book the same time slot (and set a maximum number of guests per time slot) so we can use our digital meeting rooms. Currently, we will have to use Eventbrite or similar to manage the booking process adding another couple of steps for users and for us to manage. If we could just use Sales Pro that would be so much smoother!
We do not plan to have a solution for this problem in the next quarter. For context, here is some transparency on our team's current priorities. We are currently in progress working on these 2 projects:
1. The ability to insert specific, clickable times into email
2. The ability for attendees to cancel and reschedule using the Meetings scheduling experience (idea here)
Once these projects are completed, we plan to make some big updates to the scheduling experience from a contact record in the CRM, which we plan should solve this problem and greatly expand the use-cases, flexibily, and convenience for scheduling 1-off meetings. This would likely improve the scheduling experience in scenarios where multiple contacts are scheduling meetings, but only in those 1-off bookings, and not for meetings scheduled via the Meetings app.
Our team still sees this idea as a strong idea for our prioritization in the next year, and we plan to review more closely as we plan out our cycles of work and major themes in 2022. From reading through the comments, there appear to be a number of related problems and solutions that may be addressed in one solition, or separately.
1. Creating a 'group event' meeting that would allow numerous contacts to schedule a meeting at a specific time. This may have a cap to it to only permit a limited number of contacts to attend. THe majority of use-cases seem to fall under marketing and sales enablement. It also seems that in the majority of these use-cases would, a specific time for the event is already in mind when creating the scheduling page. Overall, Meetings is not well optimized today for 'event scheduling' or for these types of use-cases. When solving this issue, we wil likely assess these use-cases a bit more broadly, for a solution that would be better optimized for group events, rather than needing to create and entire scheduling page specific for an event like this (scheduling pages are typically designed with time flexibility in mind).
2. Allowing a single attendee to include multiple contacts/colleagues when scheduling a meeting. This might include an additional field within the flow to allow an attendee that is scheduling a meeting to insert the email addresses of colleagues that should also attend. Upon creation of the scheduling page, all of these contacts would be included in the Meetings experience. This use-case is likely more in-line with the way Meetings works today, and would hopefully require less effort by our team to build.
I hope this context is helpful, and will look forward to reviewing other comments and ideas as they come in. I appreciate all of you for your patience as we work closer towards prioritizing this for you and your teams, and apologize that we are not planning to prioritize this in 2021.
It would be awesome to have multiple contacts sign up for the same available time via the Meetings Tool. For example, you could set the number of sign-ups it would take to then make that time unavailable, allowing multiple contacts to sign up for a group meeting.
This is a very important feature as we often have more than one person from the same company attend a meeting, yet we don't want to open the meeting to people from another company. When can this feature be added?
This would be a huge help. We deal with education clients that need an easy way to book and track their group tours in Hubspot. With this being a feature it would be a slam dunk. I see it is "Not Currently Planned" but hopefully the product team could take a look at it next quarter as this would open a ton of doors for folks. thanks!
This would be great for us too as we would like to offer online charter briefings in a post-Covid world to avoid doing these at our bases with large groups of passengers
Upvoting this on behalf of a customer! It would be great to be able to find availabilties across multiple contacts using the HubSpot meeting tool, rather than an external tool and then sending a calendar invite.
We need this functionality as well. We regularly hold group meetings with teachers from several different locations. It would be great to make appointments through Hubspot.
Currently using Calendly to allow an 'event' booking for multiple people into same time slot on a shared calendar. Works unfortunately, registers as an offline source so there are no conversion / tracking capabilities from HubSpot. Love to see the ability to allow multiple bookings in same timeslot as an option with HubSpot meetings tool so that we can measure conversion / tracking information.
My meetings are for 6 people at a time, however once the forst person has booked, it marks it as unavailable for the rest. I have to manually change the booking in my calandar from busy to free which is time consuming.
On the free version please can we have a feature to set the maximum number of attendees that we wish to meet, then it becomes unavailable after that.
I'm sure many companies meet with more than one person at a time!
This is what we need too, with COVID it's important to have the functionality to allow multiple attendees to a single online event. So having a function where you can set a limited number of "seats" thus allowing that same amount to secure the calendar time is vital, not just a nice to have, at the moment you are forcing users to integrate Calendly, which is not a good product marketing strategy, please update us all with a roadmap status on this feature.
I agree. We are looking for similar functionality. Often multiple stakeholders from an organization will need to join a meeting. Ideally, I would send a link with my availability and the tool would help the other attendees choose a time that is convenient for all without the back and forth which can stall or even stop a meeting from taking place. Thank you for taking the time to consider this feature. Best, Mike