HubSpot Ideas


Allow multiple people to book a Meeting during the same time slot


we would like to offer free product demos on the website and use the meetings tool to allow users to book. 


However, as a cloud videoconfrencing provider offering virtual meeting rooms (VMRs), we would like to run video meetings to allow multiple guests to join one meeting. It would be great to have the functionality to let multiple users book the same time slot (and set a maximum number of guests per time slot) so we can use our digital meeting rooms. Currently, we will have to use Eventbrite or similar to manage the booking process adding another couple of steps for users and for us to manage. If we could just use Sales Pro that would be so much smoother!

98 Replies
Participant | Partner

This needs to be added!!!


My need is slightly different, but somewhat similar.  I would like to be able to add multiple attendees to a meeting booked through a user's meetings link.  OR, I'd like to be able to see a user's availability when I schedule a meeting through the Meetings creator on a Company record.  This allows me to add multiple attendees, but I can't see the user's availability’s through this option.  One of these two solutions would be ideal.  

Member | Diamond Partner

+1. Very handy when you need clients to book for an event.


Great idea, especially for booking meetings such as seminars. 


Completely agree, this feature needs to be available! Especially since the pandemic started, virtual meetings are often held with multiple client attendees and it would be good for them to book through a meeting link and add additional attendees


This functionality needs to exist! I know Calendly and other tools allow for this. We are trialing SalesHub in addition to our MarketingHub license and this is one drawback I am finding thus far.

HubSpot Employee

Hi team!

Any updates on this?

Would be great to have the ability to allow multiple users to book the same time, especially for meetings that invovle product demo.

Thank you!


It seems silly that wasn't thought about when the tool was built. Please update asap as this will help with workflow and efficiency. Is this a roadmap item or only a vague response and it is not on a roadmap? ("Not Currently Planned" because we won't be able to get to this in the next quarter.) 

HubSpot Product Team

Hi Community,


We do not plan to have a solution for this problem in the next quarter. For context, here is some transparency on our team's current priorities. We are currently in progress working on these 2 projects:

1. The ability to insert specific, clickable times into email

2. The ability for attendees to cancel and reschedule using the Meetings scheduling experience (idea here)


Once these projects are completed, we plan to make some big updates to the scheduling experience from a contact record in the CRM, which we plan should solve this problem and greatly expand the use-cases, flexibily, and convenience for scheduling 1-off meetings. This would likely improve the scheduling experience in scenarios where multiple contacts are scheduling meetings, but only in those 1-off bookings, and not for meetings scheduled via the Meetings app. 


Our team still sees this idea as a strong idea for our prioritization in the next year, and we plan to review more closely as we plan out our cycles of work and major themes in 2022. From reading through the comments, there appear to be a number of related problems and solutions that may be addressed in one solition, or separately. 


1. Creating a 'group event' meeting that would allow numerous contacts to schedule a meeting at a specific time. This may have a cap to it to only permit a limited number of contacts to attend. THe majority of use-cases seem to fall under marketing and sales enablement. It also seems that in the majority of these use-cases would, a specific time for the event is already in mind when creating the scheduling page. Overall, Meetings is not well optimized today for 'event scheduling' or for these types of use-cases. When solving this issue, we wil likely assess these use-cases a bit more broadly, for a solution that would be better optimized for group events, rather than needing to create and entire scheduling page specific for an event like this (scheduling pages are typically designed with time flexibility in mind).


2. Allowing a single attendee to include multiple contacts/colleagues when scheduling a meeting. This might include an additional field within the flow to allow an attendee that is scheduling a meeting to insert the email addresses of colleagues that should also attend. Upon creation of the scheduling page, all of these contacts would be included in the Meetings experience. This use-case is likely more in-line with the way Meetings works today, and would hopefully require less effort by our team to build.


I hope this context is helpful, and will look forward to reviewing other comments and ideas as they come in. I appreciate all of you for your patience as we work closer towards prioritizing this for you and your teams, and apologize that we are not planning to prioritize this in 2021.


Please, this would help!

Contributor | Diamond Partner

Adding a limited number of guests to a meeting would save significant amount of time for ourselves and our customers. This product is not competitive with calendly and they quickly point it out to us. Adding this feature would be huge.


I just ran into the shortcoming of not being able to have a client book a meeting with multiple people on their side with multiple sales/pre-sales on our side. This is very unfortunate. Calendly has this for free..


We'd love this function to offer our clients ability to book in for training sessions with our team. 


I need the option to add multiple people in a calendar page.  All data says the more a deal is multi-threaded the better chance it has to be won. I want to add people and not leave it to the potential client. PLEASE ADD FEATURE!

HubSpot Employee

Hi team, any ETA on this for the product roadmap in 2022/23?


It sounds from @glencornell's latest post that '2. Allowing a single attendee to include multiple contacts/colleagues when scheduling a meeting.' would not be that hard to implement.  Please Hubspot, add this sooner rather than later!  It feels like such a basic element of the system is missing.


This is an amazing idea! It would make the best use of a sales persons time!


I need the option to add multiple people in a calendar page.  All data says the more a deal is multi-threaded the better chance it has to be won. I want to add people and not leave it to the potential client. PLEASE ADD FEATURE!


I need this functionality too.  Any progress at all?

Participant | Platinum Partner

Hi all!

I would absolutely love this! Working with 3rd party planning tools te organize a simple registration for an event is such a headache to get working within Hubspot Enterpise. The mapping of data is practically impossible with the use of business units. I had to set up such wonky workflows to make it kind of work. 


For my usecase i would like to

- To be able to have people register to and event with timeslots over multiple days
- Limit the amount of registrations per timeslot
- Automaticly assign them the right Business unit
- Automaticly add them to lists or be able to filter people on activity property.
- Use workflows to set up auto confirmations and reminders

Hope the dev team will get on this.
Marketing events are an essential part of marketing, (live events, parties, webinars, product launches, logistical appointments, etc etc)