HubSpot Ideas


Allow multiple owners to be assigned to single contacts

Currently a contact can only have one owner, which makes it difficult to keep information where it belongs. Team view works, somewhat, but we don't want every member on a team to see everyone elses information.

There are some cases where multiple users will be working with a contact or deal, but they cannot see them unless they are the owner or their permissions are unowned/team.

HubSpot Updates
Re: Allow multiple owners to be assigned to single contacts - changed to: Delivered
November 28, 2018 10:15 AM

Hi @syoung! This update is live to all portals now, so you can now create custom owner properties ( and the permissions that you assign your users will apply to those custom properties.


Re: Allow multiple owners to be assigned to single contacts - changed to: In Beta
October 04, 2018 12:21 PM

Hi everyone,


Now in beta is custom owner permissions, which will apply the user permissions set within your Account settings to any custom owner properties, giving you more customization as to who can and cannot access or edit contacts, companies, deals, or tickets. Please fill out the form here ( to request access!

11 Replies

Love this. From my old SFDC days, this was "opportunity team" --- included our AE, potentially a sales manager, sales engineer, etc. that were involved on the deal. 


We have a similar problem. As a real estate brokerage we have many contacts (think lenders, attorneys and various contractors) that are shared among our agents (users) and thus require an "Unassigned" status for HubSpot owner. That's fine in that everyone can access the contact, but ABSOLUTELY not fine that everyone can see every conversation. These conversations may contain private information.


We need to be able to assing multiple owners to a HubSpot contact and have permission rights flexible by owner. Ideally, even though the contact is "visible" to multiple users (owners), each user can only see the conversations that included them. Ultimatley, without an ability to allow multiple users to "own" each contact and then only see their conversations, the value of the tool is significanlty lessened for us.

HubSpot Product Team

Hi everyone,


Now in beta is custom owner permissions, which will apply the user permissions set within your Account settings to any custom owner properties, giving you more customization as to who can and cannot access or edit contacts, companies, deals, or tickets. Please fill out the form here ( to request access!


I too am looking for a way to assign multiple people to a single contact.  I clicked on to sign up for beta test, but it is closed.  Has anyone discovered a work around?  Thanks!

HubSpot Product Team

Hi @syoung! This update is live to all portals now, so you can now create custom owner properties ( and the permissions that you assign your users will apply to those custom properties.



jsg121, thank you for the info.  However, I have followed the instructions per the link you provided, and cannot see where "Create a property" (See screenshots) for Contacts, or anywhere else.


Screen Shot 2018-11-30 at 7.04.28 AM.pngScreen Shot 2018-11-30 at 7.03.33 AM.png


We reeeeaaaallly need to be able to assign multiple members of our team to individual contacts. The custom owner properties workaround simply won't work for us.

We are a business that is split in to 4 very separate departments, and our customers can deal with 1, 2, 3 or all of these departments. When they deal with more than one of the departments then they have more than one account manager.  Therefore we need to assign these account managers to our customers.

Equally with leads, our account managers from the different departments will cross-over and all contact leads.

Really struggling to find a workable CRM. Will this feature be added? Or can anyone suggest a suitable CRM?


The best way would to have contacts have no contact owner. The problem is when a contact has no owner the last person that changes or emails that contact gets automatically assigned as owner.  I guess the work around would be to create an dummy user assign those contacts to that user and then make that user a team memeber of who needs to view those contacts. 


Hi @jsg121, I created a new Hubspot user property like you suggested above and have a similar case like @sensiblechoice where we have owners from different departments working with a contact. Has this feature been added? With the new hubspot user property, I assigned an owner to the contact but there's no way to view that contact when looking at 'view my contacts' is there a workaround for this? 

Member | Elite Partner

This functionality needs to also tie back to the permissions set for the HubSpot users. If they are set as a contact owner, they need to be able to see their contacts under the "My Contacts" tab. This additional property solution does not make that possible.


Multiple contract owners make more sense, like a CC list in the email.