"Many (if not all) of our clients need the ability to attribute multiple owners to Contacts, Companies and Deals in the CRM."
"In our case we have multiple people working on the same deal. Currently all I can do is filter the deals by the hubspot owner but I would love to be able to track the ROI of individual salesmen but I get incomplete data right now because they might have worked on part of a quote that was assign to someone else because we cant add multiple users."
The problem shows up when you set users so that they can only see their assigned contacts and unassigned contacts.
The current workarounds (not setting a user or just not working in a team) are... less than satisfactory. It would be great to hear when this change comes.
We have the same issue here. As a temporary patch, i've created a "Secondary Contact Owner" as well as a "Customer Service Rep" field, to give me the ability to assign multiple people to a singular contact, company or deal. But, it does not recognize these people as "owners" so the default view on many of their pages does not show them EVERYTHING they are associated with. It would be much simpler if you cuold use like a checkbox selection to select multiple deal owners.
I did the same thing as jiniemi7 above, and we've had much success. Basically created a new field for our BD salespeople who partner on an account with an AE within a given territory. From there we did workflows to assign the right BDAs to the right AEs (i.e. Hubspot Owner), then created teams so I could report across both teams. I actually like the versatility this setup provides, but it is a pain to onboard/offboard a new user because that means new workflows (although cloning workflows makes things easier!)
We need this functionality as well. Our Account Managers work with Customer Success Specialists and need the ability to co-own or have primary/secondary owner designations.
The product response is still missing the functionality to assign miltiple owners to a deal record IMO. It would be nice if we could adjust to a check box of users of sorts to ID who all is "owning" a deal record. In the same token, it would be nice if we could assign a task to multiple users/owners as well.
Same here! Would be best to assign multiple contact owners to one contact. With the exact same rights. The 'Hubspot user' property isn't sufficient in our case.
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