Allow for Microsoft Teams integration with the Meetings tool and scheduling in the CRM
Within our organization we use Microsoft Teams for all meetings. When people book a meeting through the Meeting tool with someone, we now have to manually send out an additional Microsoft Teams meeting. We would like to these meeting tool invites to already be Microsoft Teams invites. I know this is possible since Hubspot does exactly this within their own organization, except with Zoom.
It would really make a big difference to us if this were possible.
**Moderator Edit**
This issue has been merged with Marialll2694's post titled: Automatic Microsoft Teams Invite Link to be sent when meeting is scheduled. All comments and kudos have been combined here.
When you scheudle a meeting through hubspot it should be integrated with Microsoft Teams in a way that it creates the invite with the conference link. Currently you have to send another invite with the link.
We were considering purchasing HubSpot and this integration threw a wrench in the whole deal. With COVID 19 we are all having to work remote and we use Microsoft Teams (along with 75 million users) because it's part of our corporate suite. Not having this integration is detrimental to a seamless & delightful experience with our clients.
Part of the "magic" with HubSpot is that something like this doesn't happen. I was even more surprised to see that both the Google and Zoom integrations have been done.
At this time, this integration includes the following features:
ability to create a MicroSoft Teams meeting link
send notifications to MicroSoft Teams channels
enable HubSpot workflows actions for MicroSoft Teams to: (1) create a Teams channel, and (2) send a notifications to Teams channel
ability to receive and reply to messages from conversations inboxes in HubSpot directly in Microsoft Teams channels.
We plan to continue adding more features to this integration, and will keep you updated when they become available.
Regarding webinar functionality requested in this thread, this is still on our roadmap - we are working closely with our partners at Microsoft to make this functionality available in our integration.
It will still take some time before we can deliver this functionality. I will keep you posted on our progress.
Thanks for all your feedback shared so far - please continue to share more feedback in this thread or via our feedback form.
We know it has been a long and frustrating wait for many of you, and we apologize for that.
Our aim is always to bring you our new integrations in a timely manner, but unfortunately we ran into many challenges along our path with MicroSoft Teams integration. We value your insight on the solutions that you would like us to bring to you, and we will endeavor to do better going forward.
With that said, we are now opening this integration up to more customers - if you are interested in using our MicroSoft Teams integration, please submit this form, and we will share this integration with you in February.
At this time, this integration will include the following features:
ability to create a MicroSoft Teams meeting link
send notifications to MicroSoft Teams channels
enable HubSpot workflows actions for MicroSoft Teams to: (1) create a Teams channel, and (2) send a notifications to Teams channel
We plan to continue adding more features to this integration, and will keep you updated when they become available.
Thanks for your patience, and continued interest in HubSpots MicroSoft Teams integration.
We know this has been very slow moving and we apologize for the ongoing delay in getting this integration to you.
We have continued to run into a number of bugs and process issues that have caused significant delay on our progress working with MicroSoft to bring this integration to you.
We are still working through some of these issues with MicroSoft, and will keep you updated on our progress here.
I appreciate your frustration, and can only appologies for the slow of progress here.
We have been experiencing some issues with getting this integration to launch, as we have run into some process related bugs between our system and MicroSofts - we are working closely with Microsoft to resolve this.
My sincere apologies for the continued delay with getting this integration to you - I will keep this thread updated on our progress.
Re: Allow for auto-Microsoft Teams invite upon booking meeting with Meeting Tool - changed to: In Beta
Thanks for your comments on Microsoft Teams integration with HubSpot.
Our initial release of Microsoft Teams integration will include the meeting link feature. This will be in beta through Novemeber, before we release fully for all users.
I will kepp this posted update, and also keep an eye on HubSpot product blog for announcements about this integration.
Re: Allow for auto-Microsoft Teams invite upon booking meeting with Meeting Tool - changed to: In Beta
I am the Product Manger for Hubspot Strategic Integration. I'm happy to let you know that we are currently building an integration with Microsoft Teams. We plan to launch our first features later this year, which will include a meeting link within HubSpot and the ability to share notifications between HubSpot and Microsoft Team. In the coming months we also plan to start working on messaging conversations feature, among other features.
Keep an eye out for our Product Blog updates on this integration.
Re: Allow for auto-Microsoft Teams invite upon booking meeting with Meeting Tool - changed to: Not Currently Planned
What is happening here Hubspot? Total fail incoming? Waiting for over a year - since you were "testing" it. I suggest you hire someone to do the job. seriously annoying.
Any more updates on this folks? This could become a showstopper for us pretty quickly. I would have never guessed that Hubspot would provide support for UberConference before something as mainstream as Teams. Really looking forward to seeing this become available soon.
@poconnell do you happen to have an update on the product integration with HubSpot Meetings and Microsoft Teams meeting? Could you provide an ETA on the release? Thanks!
This is getting out of control. With 15 pages of people asking for this, why is this feedback being ignored @glencornell ? This was supposed to go to Beta in 2020 and still no real significant updates. Heck I would buid it ourselves if there was basic guidance somewhere. This is a show stopper for us in the next 6 month. Probably won't renew without it.
It does exactly what is being asked for here with a seamless and easy to set up integration with hubspot. Creates a meeting inside the contact page and can automatically create meetings for zoom and teams plus a whole lot of other programs.
@regan adding yet another 3rd party dependency is not a real solution for must when they already super Zoom. It should be straight forward to add Teams. Even with Microsoft's ridiculous integration testing. It created additional potential points of failure that are unnecessary and adds an additional bill to our monthly expenses. I do applaude you though for getting creative to get around this lack of integration. 👍
What’s more disappointing than the lack of integration here is the abysmal client service for organisations paying tens of thousands to you. Can we please get a thorough, honest update on where this is at?
Yes! 100% agree. Keeping us informed on the progress is the least that can be done. Hubspot promotes frictionless sales but how about frictionless communications. We shouldn't have to ask and wait years for updates. It's 2021 - pandemic kind of made MS Teaam popular and a necessity for selling. Are we going to be integrated soon or not?
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