HubSpot Ideas


Allow drilldown in Step Completion data on forms

Currently, HubSpot provides a section of "Step Completion" data for forms, allowing users to see numbers of user who visited the page, saw the entire form on their screen, interacted with the form, and submitted the form. But the only retrievable data is the submission data.


As a marketer, it would be helpful for me to to treat this almost like shopping cart data and be able to drill down from here into each of those audiences, with the understanding that the data would be limited to visitors for whom we already have Contact information.


In this way, we can identify Contacts who are abandoning our highest-value forms and create a program to reach out to them and encourage them to finish those forms, as well as identify other marketing needs for that cohort.


We know, for example, that the form pictured below has an average value of $787 per submission; but we are losing nearly half of visitors from the Interacted With to the Submitted step. That represents a lot of potential revenue for us, and we'd love to pursue it as directly as possible!


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