HubSpot Ideas


Allow different preference pages per business unit

I recently was thrilled to see the option to opt into a Beta to create subscription types specific to Business Units, however since opting in I have found out if you do, you cannot create preference pages per business units. In fact, even worse, HubSpot then only allows you to use one preference page per account and this can only be a HubSpot default page. It feels like this feature is half-complete at the moment. Can we have the option to create preference page templates per business unit please?

4 Replies
Participant | Platinum Partner

As a partner, we're struggling with 2 clients that need this feature. And it seems a no brainer! Please finish the beta for business units in marketing.


The list of "no-brainer" issues continues to grow. Please make this possible.

Member | Partner

Strongly agree on this one. We have a client we're supporting that has a Business Unit add on. While they are able to create independent subscription types for their business unit, they are unable to create different subscription preference pages based on the business unit without going into the Design Manager to edit. Please include this functionality - the business unit functionality add-on hasn't been flushed out in many areas that would be expected for the price point of a business unit.

Member | Partner

Please bring this forward. We have a client who also just added on a business unit. To say the lack of functionality available for the price point of business unit add ons is quite disappointing. For this specifically, you are able to toggle with business units for subscription types and have separate ones per business unit. However you are unable to do the same easily with Subscription preference pages - it can be done with editing in design manager, but that's complicated. Please make this easy product team, especially given customers are being sold business units with promised functionality to make it easy, but doesn't currently exist.