HubSpot Ideas


Allow custom colour pallets in reports

In the build report from scratch you can use custom colours, this should also be available for normal default reports rather then the current colour palette options
12 Comentários

yeap. Creating and saving for later use custom color palettes would be huge!



Creating a custom color pallette would save so much time, it seems such a small thing but we spend so much time branding our custom reports. It helps with visualisations and gives the dashboards a custom feel

HubSpot Employee

Hi, my customer needs this feature as well. This is already available in the custom report builder, but when the reports are built from the single object builder or from the reports library, there are no options to personalize the colors. It would be helpful to give users more options to customize the layout of these reports.


Olá, meu cliente também precisa desse recurso. Isso já está disponível no construtor de relatórios personalizados, mas quando os relatórios são criados a partir do construtor de objetos únicos ou da biblioteca de relatórios, não há opções para personalizar as cores. Seria útil dar aos usuários mais opções para personalizar o layout desses relatórios.


Creating custom color palettes and being able to make them standard for dashboards and reports is essential. Having to keep exporting visualizations, to create charts in excel, in order to deliver the reports in the company's brand is so inefficient that it's discouraging.


Criar paletas de cores customizadas e poder torná-las padrão, para painéis e relatórios é essencial. Ter que ficar exportando visualização, para criar gráficos em excel, afim de entregar os relatórios no brand da empresa é tão ineficiente que chega a ser desanimador


This is suprisingly important - I have clients organized by temperture - red, green, or yellow and it's so silly that I have to use pink for red. 


It's been two years since a function as basic and essential as this one has been unable to be implemented. Having to change 70+ panel colors one by one and having to keep updating whenever new parameters come into view is so frustrating and exhausting.
HubSpot, please hear us out

Participante | Parceiro Diamante

It would be fantastic, and tbh, something that larger companies and especially enterprises expect, that their brand kit color settings would be available in reporting as a custom color palette 👍 👍 👍


how is this NOT an option already?! hubspot has eeeeeeeeeverything anyone could ask for - and then no custom color options for reporting. and i'm sorry - but in what universe is this orange? arg!!! 



Agree.  Our Marketing department was shocked this wasn't an option for the dashboards i created.  It feels like a significant miss to not be able to save a cusotm color palette with brand colors for reports.

HubSpot Employee

FYI -- your wish has been granted! This is now live in HubSpot for single object and custom report builder.

Thank you!!! IT's excellent!!!
Participante | Parceiro Diamante

Wonderful!! 🎊 Thank You HubSpot!