Allow contacts/attendees to Cancel & Reschedule events using Meetings
Contacts are double booking without canceling their previous meeting! It would be great if they got a HubSpot confirmation email with a reschedule button on it, or if the Contact already has a meeting book, the Meetings page recognizes it and presents an option to reschedule or cancel old meeting.
Weitere Ideen mit folgender Beschriftung anzeigen:
I'm excited to announce that this functionality is now Live for all accounts at all tiers. We plan to follow-up with some additional features and fixes to this in the near future, including a function that will allow attendees to share why they needed to cancel or reschedule a meeting.
Thank you all for your patience and feedback in getting this feature to the top of our list! I'm happy to announce today that we now have a beta for this feature ready for folks to get access! You can reach out to your success point of contact at HubSpot and we'll get you in within 24 hours!
Some details:
This feature will allow attendees that scheduled a meeting to reschedule or cancel a meeting. Our goal in introducing this feature is to prevent you and your team from showing up to a no-show, and encourage your contacts/attendees to keep their meeting on the books! Reschedule and Cancel links will be available in the event as a raw URL. We did this rather than linked text due to an issue with the Microsoft Outlook API, that causes linked text to break occassionally.
When a meeting is cancelled, the event persists in the calendar, with the added text of 'Canceled' and both attendee and organizer status will be updated to 'Not attending'. The meeting event outcome in HubSpot will be updated to 'Canceled'. This was done to allow for the tracking & reporting of meetings that have been cancelled via the HubSpot CRM.
When a meeting is rescheduled, the calendar event is moved to the updated date and time. Email updates will go out to the attendees of the meeting with the new date and time. This was done to prevent duplicates. Below are some images of this functionality:
Re: Reschedule Meetings Feature - changed to: In Planning
Just a quick update here that we are very close to a beta for this functionality. Our plans would allow for reschedule links in the confirmaion emails, and the description of the calendar event. Attendees would have the ability to Cancel or Reschedule a meeting.
When cancelled, the meeting title would update with the word CANCELED at the beginning, and the outcome of the Meeting event in HubSpot would update to 'Canceled'.
When reschedule, an attendee scheduling a meeting would be brought to the Meeting scheduling page flow to choose a new time. Once a new time is selected, the original calendar event will update to the newly selected date.
We are testing this functionality this week, and plan to release this as a public beta as soon as the feature passes all tests. Thanks again for your patience and excitement as we develop this feature
Re: Reschedule Meetings Feature - changed to: In Planning
Thank you all for the feedback, and I apologize for the long wait you all have had to take for this feature. We are in development on new functionality that will allow attendees to cancel or reschedule meetings that they have booked through the Meetings tool. This will include buttons/links in the confirmation/reminder emails and the description within the calendar invite to let an attendee cancel or reschedule a meeting.
When a meeting is cancelled, the calendar event will update to reflect that the meeting has been cancelled and the 'Meeting outcome' of the event in HubSpot will update to 'Cancelled'
When an attendee chooses to reschedule a meeting, an attendee will be brought to the same booking flow to schedule a new time. The original calendar event will update to reflect the new time that has been selected.
We plan to have a beta ready for testing in the next 2-4 weeks. I will update this page once we have news!
Re: Reschedule Meetings Feature - changed to: Not Currently Planned
For transparency I am updating this issue from "In Planning" to "Not Currently Planned" because we wont be able to get to this in the next quarter. This is one of the top ideas in Meetings and will be a top priority for Meetings in the future. I will update here once we are able to reprioritize this work for development.
Re: Reschedule Meetings Feature - changed to: In Planning
Plans change, things come up, for you and your contacts. Without the ability for your contacts to reschedule, they will often no-show, cancel, or use your Meeting link to re-book. We plan to add a feature to Meetings to allow contacts to reschedule a meeting. This is not yet in development, but on our product roadmap for Meetings.
Wow, just realised in testing that this issue exists. I thought I was going to be able to ditch Calendly but this is a big problem, starting to realised that what looks great at first glance is actually a seriously weak link in HubSpot's sales features.
Surprised to see this feature not yet available. It does show as "In Planning" so that gives me hope. I can only imagine that many of my contacts will be frustrated to receive an email that does not allow them to:
1) Fully cancel meeting
2) Reschedule meeting
3) Add the meeting info to their iCal/Google Calendar
These are default features available on most other systems.
Everyone, please continue to send your desire for this feature to Hubspot, especially to their social media channels. This is how we got it into the planning stage. They said that they priorize features based on customer demand. Let's make this urgent for them!
There is a very important point that Hubspot needs make sure to not overlook in development.
For rescheduling, you need to allow Hubspot users to pick a different external thank you redirect page than for the original meeting link.
If you don't do so, anyone tracking conversions with a pixel will see inflated conversion data every time a reschedule happens, as the leads will view the thank you page with the tracking more than once.
Please, please, please Hubspot do not get this wrong. It took already long enough to get the meeting module to redirect to an external page and track conversions properly, it would be too bad to ruin it already!
Hubspot this is so important! We switched over from calendly and have had non stop double bookings and no-shows that are messing up our google calendar. Please get this done for your loyal customers asap.
This would be great and is a feature that Calendly offers. Especially with the required fields, re-booking is inconvenient for clients but also double books time on our calendars.
Any update here??? Looks like the last comment from HS was last April. This is a minimum requirement as it is already on all competitor scheduling platforms.
Jumping on the band-wagon here... with all this CoVid stuff going, everyone working remotely, virtual tours... this is a major need!
Update: Found this on another thread. Only caveat is you have to integrate with Google Calendar:
How to cancel (Google Calendar) meetings booked via HubSpot??
Go to your Google Calendar and delete each meeting. When it asks you to send notifications, answer 'yes'. This will both notify meeting attendees AND update their contact timeline in HubSpot. Each meeting will be deleted from the contact timeline (almost immediately).
Note: You'll only see this behavior if you've integrated your Google Calendar with HubSpot.
Hope that helps.
Help answer your question? If so, remember to accept this solution now.
Please HubSpot, go ahead and implement! I have several clients who need this feature in order to avoid no-shows in meetings and save a lot of time by offering a reschedule link instead of having to email back and forth with customers.
The feature could look similar to how Calendly does it: links integrated in calendar invitations for "need to change this meeting?" and "need to cancel this meeting?".
I am curious: does anyone here have experience with Calendly? It says it integrates with Hubspot, so maybe the solution is to switch(?) Any downsides to using Calendly together with Hubspot?
@finn We previously used both Calendly and Hubspot. Calendly was great and the integration worked just fine. The main reason for transition to only utilize Hubspot was because we were paying for a Hubspot service that essentially offered the same functionality as Calendly.
Calendly does have some pros compared to the Hubspot Scheduling:
1. Hubspot will limit the date range forward that a meeting can be scheduled. Calendly does not. If you have annual or quarterly meetings you want to set up with clients, Calendly supports this use case better than Hubspot does
2. The round robin meeting functionality in Calendly is a true round robin vs. the random agorithim that Hubspot completes. This is important because if you have a sales team that is being round robined in Hubspot, the meeting functionality will base it off of times available and random selection. This could cause issues if sales members are paid commissions and 1 sales person isn't getting as many meetings to be fair.
3. Calendly will allow you to have 1 link where customers can go to and then pick the type of meeting they want on the page. Ex: You provide 1 link to the customer. The customer can then select if they want a meeting specific to Coaching or a meeting specific to troubleshooting support.
4. Reporting of meetings in calendly is not a great as the meeting reporting out of Hubspot. However, if you do the integration with Calendly and Hubspot you can pull similiar data in the hubspot reporting dashboard.
There's other pros and cons so do your research. It just depends on the use case you are trying to support for your business.
For transparency I am updating this issue from "In Planning" to "Not Currently Planned" because we wont be able to get to this in the next quarter. This is one of the top ideas in Meetings and will be a top priority for Meetings in the future. I will update here once we are able to reprioritize this work for development.
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