Allow contact to be enrolled in multiple sequences at once
My company owns 8 event venues within about 40 minutes of each other. Each locaiton has its own Sales Manager who uses HubSpot sequences. We use sequences for when brides inquire about our locations and it is very common we have the same bride ask for information from more then 1 of our venues.
What we are having issues with is, that bride can only be enrolled in one sequence (even though she reached out to multiple clubs for info). We would like it so that she can be enrolled in multiple.
Agreed! This would be very useful for different segments, pricing updates, small sales incentives or cross-collaboration between sales and customer success.
I have an outbound email sequence that starts with a LinkedIn Connection request. If someone accepts my connection (say 3 days later), I want to add them to a LinkedIn messaging sequence running simultaneously to my emails.
NightWare markets an FDA regulated medical device for the treatment of nightmares associated with PTSD. Our main customer contact are licensed healthcare providers who prescribe this device. That customer is our pipeline for new sales, but also responsible for patient support. On the commercial side, I need to be able to create sequences to encourage sales but my colleague, our Chief Medical Officer and Medical Science Manager, also needs to create sequences to offer medical support for the device to ensure the clinician has an open line to us for questions about their patients or the data that we provide during treatment. So...same customer...different workstreams from different personnel all providing sales and customer support to the same customer contact.
This restriction is particularly problematic if you have a small set of repeat customers with various teams all engaging the same customer providing different types of support.
This makes it very hard to use sequences with active customers. We have 3 unique products, with 1 unique product specialists for each different product. So multiple people at our company need to be working with the same customer contact to onboard different products. But we can't do this without being able to add 1 contact to multiple sequences, or making it more complex and picky with a workflow.
"We often have to send quotes for more than 1 deal to the same contact" and due to not being able to enroll contacts into multiple sequences, "for now we will just email the other quote" (manually, outside of the sequence)
Great idea, this is a problem alos see when using Hubspot for business development acitivites! Hubspot is a great tool but having this would be a great feature!
We're in the Real Estate industry and we send 1:1 emails if we have a new property listing. And some buyers are interested in multiple councils so it's really possible for them to be in multiple sequences. I hope this will be reviewed soon and actioned.
Our support team as well as sales team uses sequences to manage a normal cadence to engage with our clients, but can only enrol in one at a time so if my support team has already enrolled a client, I am no longer able to enrol them. Please update this setting!
Our business is also struggling with this. We have multiple business units (one for each brand) in HubSpot and are limited to only one sequence per contact. This makes selling across business units difficult. It also mean that we cannot offer different services to the same contact.
It doesn't seem logical to pay for seperate business units and be limited to one sequence per contact... it would make more sense to have one sequence per contact per business unit. Can we have this as soon as possible?
This doesn't look like it has been resolved. Are they any updates on whether this will be looked at?
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