HubSpot Ideas


Allow attachments received in emails to log to CRM

When logging emails to CRM, allow the attachments to be placed into or linked with the Deal or Contact.

117 Comentarios
Equipo de producto de HubSpot

Bugger, sorry about that! Please use this form instead:

Colaborador líder

Our account owner tried to access the form, but wasn't allowed to view the form.  😞


Is there another option?


Sophie Higgs,


I've been added to the beta and attachments are now showing up; however, now it doesn't show opens/clicks on those emails anymore which is hugely important.  Can you please let me know what is up with this?


Thank you.


Hi Sophie,

I've applied for the beta access. Would love to try it out and provide feedback as my team was discussing this today!


GREAT idea!




@Sophie_Higgs Has this been moved out of beta?

HubSpot Employee

@LindaAbraham nope, it's still in beta. 


This will be very helpful!


Guys I am looking to spend over $1000 a month and move all of my services to you, but without this it's an absolute deal breaker. Plus attachments are fundamental to any sort of ticketing / communications tool.


Hey @mattball is there any release window Hubspot is aiming for in relation to moving conversation / ticket attachments out of beta and into full production?

HubSpot Employee

@user5327 no, we don't have a date yet for when this feature will be released to all portals, but we are able to add everyone who requests access to the beta. I understand that you'd like to move all your services over to HubSpot – don't let this stop you. We can enable this feature for your hub ID at any time. Just use the form that @Sophie_Higgs linked above.


 Come ooooon! Hubspot. How much longer? Just discovered this massive omission.

Colaborador líder

Just so you know...from our perspective, the beta seems to be working fine.  If this is important to you, I would signup for the beta.


With regards to user ideas in general....Hubspot staff does not seem to do a very good job reviewing these ideas and understanding the importance of them.  Even if they don't have a thumbs or two or thirty, they should be seriously considered or at least investigated.  This particular idea took over a year to get any attention.


Please add this feature both if the client sends an attachment and if our team sends the client an attachment. We’re having some issues with this on our team right now 🙁


@Sophie_Higgs Please add me to the beta. Thank you. 


 @Sophie_Higgs Please add me to beta


This seems to be working a little too well now. It is saving all attachments from every User. We definitely have some attachments that would be considered more sensitive that we don't want stored in the CRM. We need a toggle, preferably by User, to save/ or not save the attachments. I'm also finding that even when they "deleted" from the record, that they are not really deleted and the attachemnt still shows up at the viewing link. This is some major security issue stuff here.

Please let me know if there will be a way to opt out of this new "feature".



Interesting comments that prompted these thoughts for me:

1. Why wouldn't you want the abilty to accept attachments?

2. If attachments were disabled for a user how would one deal with the situation when an attachment was sent to one of your Users or a pipleline?

3. Would you expect this contol in an email cleint or server?

4. If a User can or cannot save a an attachment presumabely they can view it to make that decision.

5. Why use HS if your content is so sensitive?

6. Yes, delete really must mean delete.






Sure, no problem... this may help HubSpot to understand the issue more.

1. Why wouldn't you want the abilty to accept attachments?

[LA] We are a small company. Some of the people connect do double duty, contacting customers at times with information relevant to the sales process, but other timeswith information regarding financial/ banking and other sensitive information.

2. If attachments were disabled for a user how would one deal with the situation when an attachment was sent to one of your Users or a pipleline?

[LA] I'm not sure I understand your question as worded here. But, if attachments were diasabled for a user, but we wanted the information included as part of the sales pipeline, we could upload it as a Document.

3. Would you expect this contol in an email cleint or server?

[LA] No, but HubSpot is neither. It's a CRM and we should be able to control it's access to our information. Also, we want information shared, but even on the Customer end the incoming attachments may be sensitive; they control who it's sent to, we want to keep that control. I.e. If we reply back with a filled-in document that contains confidential information, according to the terms of many of our NDAs, there are a limited number of people who may have access to that information (usually until a project comes to fruition).

4. If a User can or cannot save a an attachment presumabely they can view it to make that decision.

[LA] Sorry, this isn't clear. They need to send it... they send it (from Outlook) with the attachment... if HubSpot is synced and they don't think to uncheck "Log to CRM", HubSpot will save it.

5. Why use HS if your content is so sensitive?

[LA] I doubt we're the only Company who needs a CRM who may not want every single attachment auto-saved. Like anyone else, we need to manage our Customer relationships, meetings, tasks, etc.

6. Yes, delete really must mean delete.

[LA] Indeed. The fact that the documents still exist in the cloud after seemingly being deleted is a definite privacy issue.



Cheers. I hope someone else is reading this too. 🙂

1. Yes, us too (20 in the team). We'll use email for that - not all email personal email accounts are linked to HS in our case.

2. OK, I wasn't sure how you would deal with incoming attachments. I understand how that could be managed for outgoing. That said, the absence of useful permission in the file system may not help on the privacy aspect.

3. Ah, OK. We don't use HS CRM as our primary CRM so don't have that point of view. Even in Salesforce we don't normally have anything client facing that can't be open to the team. If there is, we keep it in email or permission governed shared folder location.

4. I had inbound attachments in mind.