It would be great to allow a maximum number of meetings to be booked per day. That way there isn't one day with an incredible number of meetings and another day with none. Say the maximum is five per day, then after five meetings through HubSpot are booked, the day would become unavailable. There could also be a choice of whether this affects already scheduled events (non-HubSpot meetings) so say either five HubSpot meetings or five meetings total.
To increase traction and visibility for this problem, I've merged 2 similar issues together. mbambach's similar post can be seen in the comments. We are following this post, but at this moment there are no development plans.
definitely needed, really missing this moving to Hubspot from Calendly and it's a shame they've not developed this when the idea has clearly been asked for several years ago!
This is a great idea. It's available in Calendly and would be a really useful feature in HubSpot. Shocked it hasn't been implemented due to the number of upvotes!