HubSpot Ideas


Allow a maximum number of meetings per day


It would be great to allow a maximum number of meetings to be booked per day. That way there isn't one day with an incredible number of meetings and another day with none. Say the maximum is five per day, then after five meetings through HubSpot are booked, the day would become unavailable. There could also be a choice of whether this affects already scheduled events (non-HubSpot meetings) so say either five HubSpot meetings or five meetings total.

85 Replies
100% agree

We also need this functionality, we currently have it with appointlet. What is the best way to raise the priority of this request? 


This is definitely needed and is very basic. Calendly makes it so simple. Moved across to HubSpot thinking it would be a straight swap but the calendar functionality is actually very poor. Beyond this for example, you can't even give a full description of what meeting someone is signing up to with you.


You want to make yourself available to your customers but at the same time, you also need time in the day to take actions off of calls which will benefit them. Please let us protect our time whilst still offering meeting HubSpot


We have a different use case for this feature: 
We would like to offer only a limited number of face-to-face Teams meetings (technical assessments) for a trade fair promotion. It would also be best to have an indicator like "only 3 of 10 left to book" or similar.


This is a must for us and is forcing us to keep using Calendly, which is good but we'd much prefer to use a single solution. Hubspot has some good core functionality and works well for that but the "other" things that make you think you can replace other systems have annoyances and quirks. Without being able to limit max number of events per day, you end up with some days that are over the top and others that have not enough action. For example, a rep can realistically only have so many meetings a day and still provide quality.


Calendly doesn't allow max overall books per day so they're not perfect either but having a max bookings per event type per day is extremely helpful.

Hi I just want some clarification on this email..

Does it mean that someone of my client tried to do a meeting with me?

Im new to this.



Would love this, as well as being able to set a maximum per week too! It can't be that hard to implement can it?!


Please, please, please add this feature! Manually blocking off my calendar is confusing for my teammates when they want to schedule meetings and inconvenient for working across timezones where I have to provide availability throughout the day.


Might I suggest you tweet @hubSpotDev, @hubspot, and @HubSpotSupport on Twitter... I've done this as well as posted it here. Perhaps if enough of us do this, they'll hear 👂🏻 us. I've spoken to several people at HubSpot who also want this feature, and they've not been able to get it done. I'm thinking that HubSpot is working on this behind the scenes, and what they release will rock...but it would be nice to know that this is indeed happening! 


Would really love to see this feature implemented. I also loved this feature on Calendly, and since switching to Hubpot have had days with 7 hours of back-to-back nonstop meetings as a result of this feature not being available. Please don't make me go through that again! 

Are you staff with hubspot? From your message you seemed insulted that I booked to much … I apologized I’m still learning and I am having a hard time setting up my hubspot!

Please also consider when building out funtionality to limit number of calls per customer/email. This will help support teams not get bogged down with people blocking time when not needed


i.e. customers are allowed 3 calls a week or 1 call a day. (Sure they could use another email but at that point a CSM can setp in)


This is keeping us from using the Hubspot meetings functionality - would love to see it implemented so we can stop using Calendly.


Hi, this would be a wonderful feature for a sales team. It's not only calls or meeting what they need to do and it's also important to offer maximum flexibility scheduling to the customer


Would like to add my vote to this feature!


@glencornell what it takes so this feature can be consired to be developed? It's been here for 2 years and I think it has no enough visibility. Thanks and kind regards!


My entire team wants this feature as well!


I agree - we have to keep our meeting windows wide open to accomodate for international customers who struggle with finding a meeting time - but need to be able to limit capacity too. 


We had to move away from hubspot meetings because of this. Hubspot is good at many things but many of the tools are like 85% of the way there and the last 15% just makes them impossible. We were having overly full days and overly empty days because of the lack of this feature.