Right now Workflows can only be used to create a deal with limited options i.e. name/close date/amount.
As such, when our customers fill up a sign up form, we aren't able to populate new deals with any information that relates to the sign up. This can only be done at the contact level. This is important to us because we need to track various properties at the deal level.
We'd like for workflows to be able to have an option to 'specify deal property' or have additional fields upon creating a deal.
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Also - the ability to customize quotes (product line items, discounts, terms, and conditions) I think needs to be improved to be truly viable. It lacks sufficient flexibility to accommodate various business models currently. We still have to use PandaDoc integrated with Hubspot with some custom integration via webhooks, Zapier, and the PandaDoc and Hubspot API to pull information from quotes into deals (total price, cost, gross margin, net margin, etc.).
We use deal workflows to put an "auto-renew" deal in the pipleine close to the end of the customer's contract. The fact that the workflow can create a deal - but does not associate that deal with the relevant company - is something so basic that we were shocked to find it didn't... you know, just DO it.
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