Right now Workflows can only be used to create a deal with limited options i.e. name/close date/amount.
As such, when our customers fill up a sign up form, we aren't able to populate new deals with any information that relates to the sign up. This can only be done at the contact level. This is important to us because we need to track various properties at the deal level.
We'd like for workflows to be able to have an option to 'specify deal property' or have additional fields upon creating a deal.
Thanks for voting for this idea! If this is something you would benefit from, please comment here with information on how you'd like to use it or email me directly at bwu@hubspot.com.
This would be a huge feature update for us as well. Right now have to manually replicate deal properties to contact properties so they can be filled out in a form, then manually reenter them into the deal properties. Not very efficient.
Another vote from here. Would be great to have at least the same interaction with deals as you have with contacts and companies. Any chance of letting us know is this on the roadmap and or why has it not been added as a feature yet?
I have been looking for this feature since the first day I used Hubspot.
This will decrease the level of effort for user input and manage the data.
For example, we have a US team and Brazil team and they use different currency for deals, right now I have to create another field ‘Currency’ to be filled when creating the deals. If we can have a workflow I can automate this.
Another example, as a Manager, I want to see the sales performance for my team divided by quarter on Dashboard. However, right now I can only do this by filtering the time frame for the dashboard, which means I can only see the number for one quarter each time.
The work around now is I created another property "Sales Quarter" and based on the close date I give each deal a value. This could be easily automated if the workflow can be exntended to the deal level.
I already commented on this issue, but wanted to add that we'd like to use Deals for non-sales activity, such as a personalized business development pipeline and to set up a customer-centered set of workflows that are closely related to deals, but not exactly.
I add this because I want Hubspot to understand that this feature on the Sales side is actually a great tool for the Marketing side and it is worth investing in. With the Sales side of Hubspot offered for free, I assume it doesn't get the same allocation of resources to build it out.
I agree and I'll add another example. We send customers a survey to complete prior to doing a demo. Having a survey completed is a Sales Pipeline stage. While under the Contact we can see that the person has completed the survey, ideally a workflow that would progress the Deal to the "Survey Completed" triggered by the notification that the survey was completed.