Allow Super Admins to "Impersonate" other users (or log-in as them)
Haven't seen this setting - if it exists, feel free to jump in!
As a super admin - I would like the ability to log-in as or impersonate other users. This would allow me to diagnose issues and ensure settings are correct more easily.
For example - changing the bcc email address for one user - I could log into the others accounts and change that for all rather than 1) having all their passwords 2) going over to their computers to change it for them or 3) relying on them to change it themselves.
Our CMS has this feature and our CRM (Sugar CRM) has this feature and it is very useful.
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Desperately need this. I need to log in as a Sales Pro user and make some email templates public and I cannot login as the user. I would also like the ability for the Super Admin to be able to reset the password (not send a notification to the user of a password reset) so that the super admin can log in immediately to the account instead of having to ask the sales pro user for their password.
Critical need for this, especially as not all users on the platform are comfortable with I would suggest as a next upgrade to allow SuperAdmins to do some of this set up themselves, as some folks 'technical chops' just don't align with that type of set addition, it doesn't facilitate corporate standardization throughout the platform of things like signatures, etc.
As a former Salessforce Certified Admin this was one of the most valuable functionalities an Admin needs. HubSpot Admins have to have Login In As User permission either as a default in the setup or with permission granted by the User.
HubSpot Support has this functionality; Super Admins should have it too. Or create another level of Admin.
@noamkahn, Any idea on a timeline? We would find this super helpful for all of the above reasons, plus, being able to set task queues for a sales team following tradeshows and such.
We really need this feature, especially for a new account setup. Many more users now have two factor authentication setup so even if we have the user passwords we are finding it very difficult to assist clients.
Please let us know if thi sis a fetaure that is in development!
Need this for people who won't make changes or who can't figure out how to make certain changes.
For remote workforce, this is essential.
I can see how some people would NOT want this, therefore:
It should be a setting that's enabled with a permissions pop-up that requires the main account decisionmaker to approve it.
There should be a workflow that allows an admin to request the setting be enabled, then the decisionmaker has to log in and click an approval button that has an explanation of the ramifications.
There should also be an option for the decisionmaker to enable it only for 30 min, 24 hrs, 7 days, 30 days, or forever
Salesforce has been doing this forever. The System Admin has a permission that allows login as user. It can be turned off. Users have the ability to grant permission of a number of time periods including always. If you don't want to make it available to Super Admins, then don't use Super Admins.
I am from an ERP background. It is normal that an admin can check the rights and what a user can see. I can not understand that a great tool like Hubspot does not have this.
This becomes more painful to me every day. Almost daily - I need to ask a user for their password to make an update or see an issue they are dealing with. I think there is another post for this - trying to find it.
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