Allow Specific Feedback on Knowledge Base Articles
Present visitors who mark a Knowledge Base article as unhelpful with a form to submit specific feedback as to why the article was not helpful. This would allow us to actually address the issues that visitors are experiencing.
Idealy with the feedback form would allow for the option for both multiselect choices of common issues and open text fields for more specific feedback.
Would be great to be able to see this feedback data from the Knowledge Base Insights dashboard.
@goconnor I found the feedback under the "insights" via show: "helpful feedback" vs "unhelpful" feedback. We submitted "unhelpful" for one article and it did ask for an email but where does this go?
Is the intent to email the contact that provided the "unhelpful" feedback to reach out to them 1:1 to determine how to make it more helpful?
Its nice to be able to rate the articles but if we can't determine why it was unhelpful then we don't have any actionable items. We can't make it more helpful without understanding why it wasn't in the first place. Need to have an email or comment section.
Currently, this information is added to the contact timeline of the contact that submitted the article feedback. We are currently exploring giving users the ability to easily see what customers left feedback on each article and also allowing the customer to give more information when they indicate that the article was unhelpful.
If you had this functionality could you see yourself actioning all of the feedback that you receive?
@goconnorAbsolutely we would take action on this feedback. We want to provide quality information to our customers and if it isn't helpful then we would want to know why.
@goconnor - I was able to build a list that will compile users who provide feedback ratings. This will be helpful for now however I would like to see more analytics around this feature.
Connor - Bryce had some suggestions for analytics - would it be possible to see who searched specific terms and then also any contact that has ever visited a specific article?
My name is Joe, I'm the Ideas Forum Manager. I've been in contact with the HubSpot product team about this Idea, and I wanted to provide a quick update.
We appreciate all the feedback you’ve shared here to help our team evaluate this feature request. However, at this time, this functionality is not something our team is planning to build into HubSpot. This is certainly subject to change in the future, so feel free to leave feedback if you'd like. We'll update this thread if our plans change.
I agress. If we want to delight costumers, we must be able to improve on the go. If an article is unhelpful and they just leave an email, we lose the feedback when it's fresh in their mind.