HubSpot Ideas


Allow FontAwesome version 6

Developers are limited to using version 5.14.0 and can't update themes to version 6.


Who: developers creating themes and marketers using themes

What/goal: ability to use the latest icon sets

Value: adds backwards compatibility


If the theme was created with 5.0.10 it is not possible to update to 5.14.0 because 5.14.0 is not downward compatible with 5.0.10.

Updating the icon_set would break the icons on existing website pages where 5.0.10 was used.


Fontawesome introduced downward compatibility with version 6, but since HubSpot doesn't allow version 6, it's not possible to update existing themes.


Editing to include that without this update, users can't select TikTok or the new Twitter X icons.


Editing to include the icon field now supports v6.4.2 which works for all new themes or custom themes (doesn't resolve backwards compatibility issue).


I would love to be able to use the new X-twitter logo, but I can't because it's part of the 6.4.2 release.


HubSpot - we need this! 


The icon field now supports v6.4.2 which works for all new themes or custom themes but doesn't include backwards compatibility which limits the ability for existing marketplace themes to update easily.

投稿者 | Diamond Partner

@Jnix284 Is right. I was exited when I saw 6.4.2 was added. But I can't acutally update it in my modules


Even getting an issue from Chevron Left, which wasn't even renamed. Looks like the 'name' is differenct 




For reference:


@hubspot is there an ETA on this? 

投稿者 | Diamond Partner

I was directed here because the Twitter icon in the social module of Email DnD is incorrect. When can we expect an update? We already have almost 50 or 100 templates that include this module setting, it would be quite a hassle to update each one of them.


We've been having a frustrating time trying to get FontAwesome Pro 6.4.2 icons installed (specific icons to our industry which are missing from the icon's library). It's disheartening to see it's a compatability issue. Hope this is resolved quickly! 


Yes please. 
I'd really love to be able to organically use our Font Awesome 6 Pro subscription within Hubspot, particularly thru the "Icon" Module.

Right now, we would either need to create an image for each icon we want to use (Regular family, Pro collection).
Or, we have to use HTML tags in the source code to add & modify the icons. Truly a sub-optimal experience for my team, who is going to have primarily marketing resources take care of managing the web content.

Without this feature update, or compatibility with Font Awesome 6 / Pro, it will require a dev or myself to help make adjustments to these icons, and we'll be unable to see them in the RTF input window, only in the preview.

Please add this SOON, we're really in need of this functionality.


I was also directed here because the Twitter icon in the social module of Email is incorrect. When can we expect an update to X?


@atotheme The icon field now supports v6.4.2 which works for all new themes or custom themes (it doesn't include backwards compatibility which limits the ability for existing marketplace themes to update easily).


I checked the Social Module for Email and confirmed that it is NOT using Font Awesome, HubSpot has a static PNG loaded for these icons:





If Support directed you here for email, you can provide the above screenshot showing that the Email icon does not come from Font Awesome and that the Email product team needs to update the icon PNG directly.




@Jnix284 I'm wanting to use the pseudo elements feature in my CMS modules so I uploaded all css and font assets to my theme. I added the font files to my account file directory and referenced that path in the fontawesome CSS. To be specific, I modified the line in my all.min.css that referenced the font files: ../webfonts to the path of my fonts to the full path to my fontawesome files I have in my account library: [URL]/hubfs/[path to fontawesome fonts]


I could just load the icons globally in the head of my site, but I would assume I can get some speed savings if I loaded icons only when the module using them is present. 


I could just upload all the font files to the module but that's not really a sustainable solution. You can use their kit feature for the simplest possible implementation but they rate limit it to 10K views per month. 


@Jnix284 sorry, I missed your reply. Thanks for your help on this!


Extremely disappointing, Twitter became X more than a year ago.


Someone reach out to Elon and tell him hundreds of thousands of companies are still using the wrong logo for X. This is so bizzare that Hubspot is stopping companies using the correct branding for something


@hubspot when are you going to address this issue? My IT team has discovered a possible scenario where our token is exposed to the frontend, and have chalked it up to the use of the twitter link, as opposed to the updated x link. This is unacceptable.