HubSpot Ideas


Allow Automatic Logging of Email to Custom Objects through Gmail plugin

I'd like to see the abillity to automatically log emails as activities when sending an email and logging it with the Gmail Hubspot Plugin. This would function in a similar way to the automatic logging of activities to Company records when an email is sent to a contct at that company. 


Right now the only options are Hubspot default object: contacts, companies, deals, and tickets.

Screenshot 2023-05-31 at 13.07.10.png

I think it'd also be nice to allow admins to configure which associations should be included in the automatic logging for their organization. 

5 Replies

This would be helpful for the Office 365 add-in as well. 


This would be super helpful indeed! We currently struggle with our partnerships department to log emails against a "partner" object we create to track engagement with partners.


This would be extremely useful to have and would be extremely beneficial for us too.


Default logging of emails to custom object records is a must have for enterprise use cases. Hoping this can be available soon!


+1 — this is so needed for custom implementations! We have a custom object associated with contacts and it would save a lot of time and create more visibility across the org if this could be applied by default. I want all emails — not just the ones logged manually via the CRM UI — to automatically appear on my custom object that is associated with contacts. (And for what it's worth, I'd have to imagine that emails logged via the sales extension are logged far more frequently than via the record UI.) 


As a user, my expectation is that the associations for custom objects should be as customizable and automated as the relationships between out-of-the-box objects.