Allow Admins To Apply Dashboard Filters For All Users
Right now dashboard filters ONLY apply to individual users who set them.
There should be a feature that allows you to configure a dashboard for a sales rep, for example, with a date filter they see everytime they are viewing this.
I also think this is a needed feature, setting up dashboards for clients or other users, the filters are not saved so we need to teach each person how to set up their filters, and if one person modifies theirs it can get confusing when they see different data than other users looking at the same dashboard.
This is badly needed. It makes no sense to setup dashboards for our client's teams to use (marketing and sales) but each user needs to apply their own filters when its going to be the same filters from the outset anyway.
Is there a new option for this. REason it's important (in addition to ensuring the same view for everyone) is to limit the need to recreate reports based on 1 value that can easily just be filtered at dashboard level. ie - We have dashboards for events (using Event Hapily) and We want to be able to use the same reports that we created but set a main filter at dashboard level for Event Type so that we can have 1 dashboard to filter by Event Type = Tradeshows and a separate one where event type = Technical sessions. The data in the report is the same as they are all pulling the event properties BUT the main differenciator are Event Types. I want to create the dashboards, set the overall filter and then make it available to view for the whole sales team. I can't rely on them to set the filter.