When in meeting automatically sets chat to away or busy
Currently, we have a predicament with the handoff feature assigning to a specific person. At present time our sales staff must manually set themselves as away every time they are in a demo to make themselves unavailable to chat. Since these demos are scheduled using HubSpot Meetings the chat bot should connect to the meetings so that they are automatically set to away when showing as in a HubSpot scheduled meeting.
Connect office hours to bot handoff
Currently, we have a chat set up with availability based on office hours. However, we use a bot to initiate the chat and unfortunately the bot doesn't integrate with chat availability. This means that at the end of the bot conversation the ticket is always handed off regardless of office hours set.
Add Chat and bot to idea category. It's not showing as an option.
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This needs to happen! When a customer is handed off from bot to human, the office hours notification needs to be shown otherwise customers will expect to start chatting with a representative and not have anyone there to answer.
A quick fix is to manually turn the targeted chat message on and off during business hours, but that can get tedious after a few days.
We have a scenario where the bot needs to handoff visitors only during the business hours of the sales representative or based on the Active/Away status. Right now we get frustrated visitors that are wondering why they are getting offloaded to a person when he/she is not available.
It would be a great idea to have live chat during office hours then chat bot to take over out of office hours to answer common questions and gather customer information if the answer isnt readily available.
We also need to be able use the office hours in conjunction with a Bot in a chat. Otherwise Bots can't be used in targeted chats as outside of business hours people are still shown the targetted chat expecting to speak to someone. This solution only works if everyone changes status to away which just won't happen.
Already connected to calendar for meetings, so seems straightforward to set chatbot to away when I'm in a meeting. This feature would greatly enhance the prospect experience with more seamless messaging throughout the chat handoff experience.
I couldn't agree more. Being able to set 2 different bot statuses would be hugely beneficial. At present, customers advance through the bot questions (prescreening) and are then told that no-one is available (agent is away), and feedback is that they would prefer to be told up front. Having a seperate bot track for out of office (away status) would enable us to target messaging and it's more of a 'leave us a message and we'll get right back to you!'.
Agree with the above comments! We are also running into an issue where the sales team is having to remember to mark themselves as active or not. Would be great if it could detect X amount of time of inactivity and automatically set their status to away.
HubSpot any updates on this? Also, when chat appears outisde of working hours it should NOT assign the conversation to someone as no user is online!! Please implement.
Part 1 of this has been delivered in our new beta feature, Team management.
This new feature will provide insight into your chat team’s availability status and adds the ability for Admins and Super Admins to control the individual user’s chat status to available and away. If an admin sets an agent to an away status, they will see a message in the inbox letting them know they were turned away and can toggle themselves back available once they are back.
Moving this back to the Idea submitted since the automation piece of this has not been delivered yet. We are currently reviewing that automation piece and will post in a couple of months once we have any updates.
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