The admin account should have the ability to login as other user accounts. This would allow the admin to change the various settings, like notifications, that can only be changed at the user level. Great time and user frustration saver
Possibly the feature I miss the most from Salesforce. I would recommend that the HubSpot product take a serious look at prioritizing this addition. There are likely more people than ever in my situation. Those moving from large sales and marketing organizations that are backboned by Salesforce, to smaller, more nimble companies who turn to HubSpot to power their new team. During the onboarding and setup of HS, this was the feature I looked to first and ultimately missed the most. This capability was a staple of weekly maintenance during my years with Salesforce admin credentials.
please, please. multi-factor authentication has made it very difficult for me to adjust user settings. it's become quite unmanageable and i have many users and need to create meetings settings that standard to our business practices. it's not feasable to provide all of the users with documentation on how to do this to accomplish the goal of standardization.
@AlishaV I agree that the 2-factor authentication has made this near impossible or a nightmare. I've tried setting up new accounts with 2-FA for my number, but then have had issues when transferring it over. Really need a solution for this, not every user can manage their own settings, and some should have the option to be global.
@AlishaV My heart bleeds for you. I was sooo stressed out about this very thing, but then I discovered something ... It turned out that the real problem was Hubspot adoption. Once we finally got our CEO and VP of Client Strategy to talk to the rest of the team, everyone was magically able to set up their MFA. Soon thereafter, I created a standard process doc and 10 minute screen capture (took me about 1/2 a day to get it all sorted) for the team to set up their accounts. And within 3 days, everything was done. I know it's tiedious, but totally doable.
It is, its soooo annoying atm, eather I'll have to get the codes prom my experts to do the changes linked with several blockings because Hubspot detects somehow that I'm not the other guy. Or I do it with him sitting next to me what's a huge waste of time. Please develop it!
Can Hubspot give us an Update on this critical need? It shows that this is being reviewed with a date in 2017. This was crucial from an admin perspective in the past - and became even more critical with the introduction of 2FA. It is virually impossible to log in as a user to see exactly what they are seeing. We have 2FA turned off - and the system still asks for codes on different computers so clearly 2FA is not functioning as designed. I was shocked the other day - had a user with a 2FA issue and even the Hubspot support team could not get them logged in. I had a user down for over 24 hours - because of 2FA and NO ONE could get her in. The system now has more power than the Admin and Hubspot support. I am in favor of security - but someone needs the capability to get in during certain situations.
Given HubSpot's adoption of Revenue Ops I don't understnad the slowness of adopting an Admin role.
For an Ops and Analytics manager like myself it's part of my role to take away the tech burden from our Marketing and Sales users. It's far more time consuming to have to go through setting changes with users and certainly takes away a little bit of the magic!
I'm Flora Wang and I'm a Product Manager at HubSpot.
Thank you to everyone for commenting on this idea- we hear you that this is important functionality to have in HubSpot. We are currently looking into if the idea and understanding the problems in the space. I would love to chat with any admin who has thoughts on impersonation or logging in as a different user in the next week or two. Shoot me an email atflora@hubspot.comand we'll take it from there.
Any future news regarding this feature will be on this thread and I will update here.
Yes! I need to be able to 'view as' another user in our system in order to ensure that they have access to the things they need after permissions have been set or to set up their accounts for them specific to how they will need to use it.
I currently oversee a environment and we are in the process of implementing a HubSpot CRM (sales, marketing ) and have already seen this as painful point. Having this feature, to log in as another user as a super admin would make troubleshooting, training, support so much easier!
I'm an admin of more than 100 HubSpot users in my Portal and almost every week I need to do a call with someone just to set a config. Like integrating HubSpot with Twilio Connect, helping to set a phone number, changing name, etc.
This needs to happen YESTERDAY. It hampers my ability to succeed with client and bring them into a PAID VERSION of Hubspot due to delivering ROI for them. Please expedite for all of our sakes.
This would be very useful to diagnose problems with a user setup/account. Sometimes users change notification settings, disposition of properties and they don't know how to do it. Having to setup a zoom call to deal with this isn't always practical and takes a lot longer.
I would be very keen on having this feature implemented asap.