PLEASE, PLEASE make the column width adjustable like Excel for example. Salesforce has this capability which allows for seeing many more data points on the Contact Record. Currently, I can see about 4-5 columns on a 24" monitor before I have to scroll over on the bottom of the page.
We hope to see the new header in other parts of the app in the future! I don't have a timeline for when you'll start to see the header elsewhere unfortunately, as it depends on when the teams that build the other tools are able to adopt it, but we are hopeful that other parts of the app will be updated as well.
I appreciate you sending along the feedback! This is something that we're aware of and unfortunately weren't able to change this new version, but we definitely understand how this can be confusing and are continuing to look into alternative designs. I shared your specific example with the team - thanks for sharing that!
Hi all (cc @NCO ), I'm happy to announce that this feature is in beta, with 50% of customer portals currently ungated. Feel free to send me a message with your portal ID if you are not seeing the resizable columns on your Contacts, Companies, Deals, and Tickets tables!
I wish I could provide a date, but we don't have an exact one to offer right now. In terms of timeline, it's the top priority of the team building out this feature, so we will open it up to you and our other users as soon as we feel ready! We want to get it out in good shape as much as you want to get access to it 🙂
We apologize for the delay in getting this out! We're doing a significant amount of internal testing for this feature and want to make sure that it's fully ready to go before we have our customers using it.
The new table will have a sticky header row. We haven't added plans for the first column to be freezable, but I'll pass along that feedback to the team.
I will reach back out here as soon as I have any updates or when we open up the beta!
Hi everyone, we're getting close to releasing a new table for the contact/company/deal/ticket index page, which will include adjustable columns. We hope to open up a beta for this in the next few weeks. I'll reach back out here once the beta is open so you all can get access!
Yes - this update was rolled out by Hubspot several weeks ago; super exciting!
Unfortunately, one of the biggest issues that was not addressed in this update is the problematic placement of the edit toolbar - meaning when you are on the company, contact, or deal overview pages (among others) and select the checkbox next to a specific record, the edit toolbar that appears at the top of the list covers the column titles entirely, making it a complete guessing game when you have similar column types (ie dates) beside one another.
The resizing column widths was a much-needed update - and is a huge improvement - but the column title visibility problem is still a major issue that needs addressing. Let's hope it doesn't take Hubspot another 2+ years to get this update rolled out 🙂
Further to this, I want to be able to set my column width in "Contacts" to be as narrow as possible, by default. Right now I spend time making them narrow, only to have them widen up again as soon as I leave and come back.
I believe that if you adjust the column sizes and save that view as a filter, the column widths will remain as you had set them when you revisit that specific filter.
What remains frustrating with this feature though, is that when you share a filter with another member of your team, the column widths do not save and each member of your team will see the columns as you set them but will need to adjust the column widths one by one, as those do not carry over.
Hopefully, Hubspot works this out and corrects it on the next update.
@NCO, hi there, thanks so much for that workaround. That does work. (It bugs me to have more clicks than necessary, but it's better than nothing). Thank you!
Hi, It is very nice to be able to change size of any column, but minimun size is clamped : it mean if you have just a 3 digit id or a siple date your collumn size is still very big (It seems to be 15characters) .
Another thing that would greatly improve this is if the selected column width was remembered. Like when you save a View, it will also remember what width the columns were when you saved. Or when you adjust the width of columns on your Tasks page, it will remember the last width when you go back to that page. It's easy to change widths, but I have to change them again every time.
Column widths should be saveable / remembered - persist when sharing with teammates
Column widths should be adjustable down to one character
The width adjustment mechanism is pretty rough - (this is a rather a compliment, that) it's one of the jankier parts of HubSpot - not terrible but not clean and polished like most aspects!
One of our biggest frustrations with the header row (which has incredibly not been addressed in 3+ years) is that it becomes hidden when selecting multiple records at once.
This creates such a poor UX and should be such a simple correction on Hubspot's end.
@NCO why'd you remind me! haha I do have that problem every week... thankfully it's not something I desperately need but it is an odd quirk every time it happens.
Such a no-brainer... Don't understand why this is STILL not a thing in hubspot.. Not just in the contacts and company sections, but also in the reports.
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