Super helpful that superadmin can control meetings, but there is still no way to change an owner. This is a big need, especially since you have the undocumented functionality that blasts the user's name and email on the link if there are no available times.
For personal links, it isn't as dire, but you have such robust functionality with team meetings via round-robin, this should be standard. What would you do if the User leaves the company? You wouldn't want to have to update the team links, etc. These are just a few instances where changing the owner is valuable.
The creator of team meeting links should have the option to change owner, or they simply should be team-based and not owner-based. Otherwise, a round-robin for a whole team (like in Service) becomes useless once that person has left the company. Or if they are on holiday no one else can edit them if necessary.
It seems strange that team links can only be associated with one account. This has just happened to us through changing a paid user to a non-paid user (which doesn't happen often, granted) but has led us to have to change all of this process and rethink if we need to look for another solution.
This is much needed. It makes little sense, that I cannot update the layout and other elements of existing meetings. That I have to be assigned as a bookable person on meeting to update does not in any way match how most work.
Basically, I cannot have my marketing assistant update confirmation page URL on a meeting without he is assigned as a bookable person.
Very needed! We had someone leave the company and didn't realize that all the round-robin links would go down. It needs to live on a team basis, not per person.
+1 Please add, not being able to do this and trying to report on outside sales meetings is taking a lot of research and time, since it is not possible.
Agree with the importance of admin having the ability to change ownership of a meeting link, this is critical.
In addition, the ability to have meetings under a team rather than an individual for the functionality of group meetings and round-robin meetings should a basic feature option, but it isn't. The fact that the meeting URL retains the individual's name that created/owns the link is a real miss on the feature development of team meeting links.
A workaround given by support was to create another general user with sales@ or meetings@ name/email so the domain used for creating team meetings would use a generic name rather than a specific person. If I am understanding that correctly, that would require accounts to pay for yet another sales seat just to accommodate the lacking features/abilities of the Hubspot meeting tool.
@YiRui_Chua My main point is more about the URL structure and editability of meeting link URLs - the workaround given requires us to pay for yet another sales seat. Being an Enterprise account this just feels unacceptable.
The fact that the meeting URL retains the individual's name that created/owns the link is a real miss on the feature development of team meeting links. Group meetings and round-robin meeting links should have the ability to edit that part of the meeting URL, but we cannot at this time.
A workaround given by support was to create another general user with sales@ or meetings@ name/email so the domain used for creating team meetings would use a generic name rather than a specific person. If I am understanding that correctly, that would require accounts to pay for yet another sales seat just to accommodate the lacking features/abilities of the Hubspot meeting tool.
@christa you are correct. We have a similar need and our workaround is exactly what you laid out. We have 8 locations for our fitness clubs, and created sales users (and therefore meeting links) for round robin booking of tours. It stinks, but it does solve the issue.
But agreed - if we could just edit the meeting link URL we wouldn't have to have this workaround.
Here's the solution I've found for meetings set through the Calendar integration-- Meetings/activities have two properties:
Activity Created By Activity Assigned To
Although you can't edit these properties within hubspot, you can indirectly by editing ownership of the actual event on your calendar. 'Activity Created By' is set based on who creates the meeting.
However, to edit 'Activity Assigned To' of the desired meeting, change ownership of the event on your calendar (ie google/exchange). If the integration is setup correctly, then once the recieving party accepts ownership, that meeting's 'Activity Assigned To' property will be updated accordingly.
I agree with everyone! This is a HUGE feature that is needed. As a company with 30+ schools, we have people leave the company often. All of our meetings are assigned to one person. Being able to change that ownership will be SO NICE when that person has 5+ events that we will not have to remake each event when a new person starts.