HubSpot Ideas


Adjust Meeting Owner

Super helpful that superadmin can control meetings, but there is still no way to change an owner. This is a big need, especially since you have the undocumented functionality that blasts the user's name and email on the link if there are no available times.


For personal links, it isn't as dire, but you have such robust functionality with team meetings via round-robin, this should be standard. What would you do if the User leaves the company? You wouldn't want to have to update the team links, etc. These are just a few instances where changing the owner is valuable.

45 Comentários
Participante | Parceiro Diamante

This is a most wanted feature - not only for the cases where employees leave the company, but also for meetings that were set up by a meeting booker but is to be held by a sales rep (who should therefore be assigned ownership of the meeting)


This is becoming more of a painpoint the more meetings we get scheduled when a rep is OOO or sick. We need to be able to migrate the main attendee on our end to an available rep. Currently we can only do this by duplicating the meeting which is not ideal and creates lots of noise.


I was shocked that being able to transfer ownership as well as a scheduled meeting is not a feature in HubSpot. I thought I upgraded to Hubspot from other tools but this seems like a downgrade considering how our team works together to move meetings around and fill in for each other after frequent changes in our dynamic schedules. I see this idea was posted over 2 years ago. Hoping this can be implemented very very soon or we'll definitely need to look for alternatives...


Our business has a need for this functionality as well!


This is a definitely a CRUCIAL feature that is currently not available to us. Please HubSpot update your meeting tools and add this feature.


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Colaborador(a) | Parceiro

This needs to be addressed. This is a simple administration function that could be saving us hours of our time.

A super admin should be able to transfer any meeting to any owner.


I'm always surprised when I run into something simple like this that Hubspot can't do. How can the owner of a meeting not be changeable?  Wow. 

Top colaborador(a)

@JGood - well, this was also how we started out by being surprised. However, a couple of years down the road we are actually surprised when it just works with having to talk to support or run into a surprising gap like this one. 




Agreed - we really need this! We have multiple sales reps and we are constantly moving their meetings around, so the owner changes. At the moment, we have to change the meeting owner in Google Calendar, then ask the new sales rep to remove the existing sales rep from the calendar invite, and update the invite with a new Zoom link. It would be so much easier and faster if we could just change ownership of the meeting in Hubspot, and that would move it to the correct Google Calendar and insert a new Zoom link automatically. 


In our case, when the SmartCTA doesn't do it's job due to the contact not having the right cookie or using a different email address, it would be nice to transfer Host/Ownership of the meeting so that we can correctly report on who the meeting was actually with without having to delete the meeting and scheduling a new one.


This feature is absolutely needed. We have had someone leave our team and would like to reassign all of her upcoming meetings to a different staff person. She no longer has access to her google calendar, so changes can't be made there. This really should be easier.


This woudl be so useful for Events and Showroom bookings! Can't believe it's not a feature already!! 


Sometimes our estimators have to switch jobs, so this would be really helpful!


The ability to edit the host of a meeting is required. We are new to HubSpot and our admin team does not use the system very often.  They only use it when the president has a meeting that needs entered into crm.  Invariably, the admin ends up as the Host.  While this is a training issue on one hand, it is a functionality issue on the other. 


This is absolutely necessary, along with a master calendar view. Yet another Hubspot feature we pay for and can't use. 

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@JTaylor30 Take the consequence as we do. We leave HubSpot by the end of our term in July. The platform does not update with important things and we pay about twice as much as we will do for either Pipedrive or Zoho One. 


Sometimes I think we may be treat customer too good on our video learning platform ( as we actually fix errors and feature gaps in a reasonably timely manner. We could probably earn more by following the HubSpot example. 



I really can't believe in 2024 Hubspot still cant do this!