HubSpot Ideas


Additional Task Priority options other than High



I think your team is on the right track adding a Task Priority option.  Now all you need to do is allow us to customize the selections there.  Perhaps it could be capped at 5 options to avoid clutter, but there must be more then "high".


This is CRITICAL for sales functionality.  In fact it is remarkably helpful for automation purposes as well.


It seems most of the work is done on this feature, just need to move it from a C- to an A now.

89 Replies
HubSpot Product Team

We are currently working on filtering by time zone on the task app and supporting saved views on the task app. 

HubSpot Product Team
Excellent! I See that it is now in planning. Are there any other statuses it has to move through before it’s available? Is there a general ETA on when we can expect it?
HubSpot Product Team

Hello HubSpot Community, 


I am excited to announce that you are now able to assign additional priorities (high, medium, low, and none) on tasks. This is available in all the areas of the platform where tasks are created such as Workflow, Sequences, Task app, Record pages, etc…


Please let me know if you have any questions. 






Thank you @Gcone , this is a big help!

Excellent. Thank you.

Hello to all. I have created a workaround to be able to customize a priority menu for tasks and system to follow. If anyone has a similar setup, I'd be happy to help each other fine tune things. You can find my system at the link below, but open for any and all suggestions without having to upgrade from the Sales Hub Starter Package with no add ons. It has everything I need and I'm a one man show, so the next step up in sales Hub professional is quite a jump in costs for what I would need it for, if anything. I'd like to know what others have done in the meantime for identifying your priority tasks until Hubspot keeps growing with us. Thanks!


They did it! Go to any task, and we now have the ability to have 4 settings: None, Low, Medium, and High!!!


Woohoo!  Small victories make for a great day!

HubSpot Product Team

We sure did! 😃