Is there any way you could add account Engagement Rate % and post ER % to the social media reporting dashboards? This is a basic metric for most social media reporting tools and would make life so much easier for social media managers as it cuts out human error in calculation, especially when trying to work out an account's overall ER.
Rightly or wrongly, most brand's use ER as a main KPI, so I'm sure it would be well recieved by others!
Not being able to calculate ER on HubSpot is a big roadblock for our social media team as it plays a big role in our analytics and KPIs. This would make a world of a difference (and much less manual work) if this was added to the social media reporting.
Yes this is an essential stat and should definitely be included! Most social media platfoms have this built in, so it is surprising HubSpot does not offer this.
Yes, I am able to see the Engagement rate % for the Competitors in the Monitor stream tabs but interesting that I don't see the Engagement rate for our own socials...wondering if we should add ourselves in the competitor stream to see if that would help produce those stats?
Hello, just moved to HS for social from Sprout and really surprised not to find average ER figures in reporting. Really surprised as I had just assumed this would be part of basic analytics, it didn't even occur to me to ask this question. Any ideas when this will be added please?
After almost a year this is a important feature set, I want to have my clients navigate off of Sprout and other tools but HS social media reporting is still lacking basic items.