HubSpot Ideas


Adding Files and Images to Quotes

There are times when I need to add files to quotes in regards to installation guides and product details. Would be good to be able to attach files and insert product images into quotes.

Actualizaciones de HubSpot
Estado actualizado a: In Planning
May 18, 2020 11:51 AM

Hi - we intend to address this need as part of this ideas issue:

40 Comentarios
Colaborador líder | Partner nivel Elite

Also needed by my company.  

Adding case studies is another application.  

Participante | Partner

Our proposals are very complex and we need to be able to attach them to the quote if not make them in the quote itself (sort of like we do in Pandadoc now).


At my company each quotation is bound to an Master Service Agreement. 

There's no way to copy and paste all MSA terms into the quote. It would be great  to attach the MSA as a separate document to the quote. 

Generally I think that attaching documents to quotes would add value to the HubSpot experience. 



Need this!!!  We purchased the Sales Enterprice version because of a couple of features and unfortunately most of them are useless for us without attachements, especially would like to get ride of Adobe Sign and get Products, Quotes and Esignature going within HubSpot and without file attachment option this is a no go for us :(. Please make this happen ASAP


My organization is looking to have esign-offs for customized products. We can send outline item quotes throughout ecommerce platform but we cannot get the image of the product in front of the client. Having the ability to have the image with the signature would be amazing!


Needed with extra terms, picture of products and specifications. 

Participante | Partner nivel Elite

Completely agree! Having attachments would allow us to move our entire sales documentation process to HubSpot, whereas now we're using multiple tools to get it done. This would be a strong addition to the Quoting tools. 


Or better yet, give us the ability to add images in the product page! That way when we send a quote the product image is with the description of the product. For a sales CRM I cannot understand why this hasn't been implemented yet! Especially for the price my company pays for this software.

Estado actualizado a: In Planning
Equipo de producto de HubSpot

Hi - we intend to address this need as part of this ideas issue:


I agree with this as well. The Quotes tool should really be a Proposals tool. Supporting documentation to any quote / proposal / contract is a necessesity in any industry. Examples like product documents, contract addendums, additional purchase terms are all examples of why document upload to quotes should be the next tool that HubSpot adds. 


When creating a quote in HubSpot it would be great to have a dropdown menu of stored documents to attach. These documents could for instance be 'Terms of Delivery', 'SOWs' and other legal documents. In this way, the recipient of a quotation would have the chance to accept not only the quote but also the underlying terms. 


I agree - it would provide immense value to be able to attach annexes and further documents to the quote.


A facility for adding file attachments is pretty basic stuff and what I would consider minimal viable product (MVP) for any serious CRM quoting functionality.  Hope this gets rectified soon on HubSpot.


to be able to have a "master" quote in the deals section and from that be able to select optional templates for other documents would be optimal.  Those documents then could have common fields auto populated  and the remaining fields selected as fillable fields by the user.  The ultimate goal would be to sent a complete proposal packet to the customer with the associated docs and go thru the process of approval, and signatures.

Colaborador líder | Partner nivel Platinum

Hi folks,


I am looking for best practices on the below. Wondering if there are people who have dealt with something similar and how they've solved it.


A project that I'm working on uses Custom Objects to store individual refurbished products (each product is unique and changes hands quickly, so the Products module is not fit to be used).  I'm facing two challenges:


1. Including CO data in Quotes

The client wants to create Quotes for these products, but as of yet, there's no way to create custom quote templates that I know of, that leverages CO data. I did find some information about beta functionality that kind of leans towards this, but nothing concrete about CO information:


2. Including Images in quotes and records

Sprouting from the previous requirement is the need to have high quality imagery of the products included in the quotes, and preferably also visible on deal records. I know that you can attach images to a record, but they're only displayed as an attachment link to be viewed one at a time. I'm looking for something more like a gallery of sorts. I was curious if people in industries like Real Estate or something similar, have dealt with this challenge before.


I've looked at an integraiton with quote software like Qwilr. It works with tokens to include Contact, Company and Deal data on custom quote templates. Looks promising, but as far as I can tell there's no support for Custom Objects (yet).


Anyway, long story short, I'm wondering if anyone has dealt with a similar challenge before and has tips, ideas to get closer to what I want?

Equipo de producto de HubSpot

Hey @Bob2245 

These are great ideas and well written up.  I would recommend adding this to the ideas forum (I can move it if you don't mind). 

Colaborador líder | Partner nivel Platinum

I think it would be excellent if you can 🙂 


Hello, this is definitely a tool that needs to be made SOON! Hubspot is so elite compared to most CRM systems but lacks this pretty basic tool and everyone knows a picture paints a thousand words, missing this on our Hubspot quotes is damaging our sales! It is something I loved in Zoho CRM but hated everything else.


I feel like Hubspot is teasing us with an images field, I spent half hour trying to put a URL or something in that field to produce an image on my quote before I hit google and stumbled across this article and found out the field is just there to tease me and we need lots more people to shout and scream about it before we can have it. PLEASE! just do it, please & thankyou 🙂


Miembro | Partner

I sign under this! (y) 




Hi, this is a much-needed idea! In our industry, we need to attach drawings to our quotes as a single document. Please make it happen Hubspot! 🙂