HubSpot Ideas


Adding Files and Images to Quotes

There are times when I need to add files to quotes in regards to installation guides and product details. Would be good to be able to attach files and insert product images into quotes.

HubSpot Updates
In Planning
May 18, 2020 11:51 AM

Hi - we intend to address this need as part of this ideas issue:

40 Replies
Top Contributor | Platinum Partner

You can actually fully customize quote templates now to include images and whatever CRM data you want, as well as links to files and anything else. Some of it may require help of a developer, but it's a lot more customizable now than it was when this thread was made. Surprised it wasn't put on delivered yet.


See this dev documentation:


Yes, this is a much need feature. for the nature of our business we need to add our terms in full rather than a link. Please bring this feature!


Would be great if quotes could be built as creating a landing page. 

Now we have to create x templates just to have different options. This is not user friendly. 


I hope this feature will be available in the near future. 


This feature is much needed. What is the status on this topic? For example, when can we include a .pdf "terms and conditions" attachment which is absolutely critical when sending out a quote/agreement?
Right now we are unable to use HubSpot in our quote and contract work due to the lack of this feature. I'm thinking it should be a simple addon to add this feature similar to how it looks in your email tools?


Agree with this - the new custom quote editor is nice, but we need the ability for sales reps to add images to a quote too (not just allow admins to add static images to the template).  Current workaround is to add images to the email you can send after a quote is published, but it would be great to be able to embed the images in the quote itself.  I'd suggest allowing the "comments to buyer" rich text field to allow embedding of images.


We are new Hubspot users and being able to attached a document to a quote is so important.  Our quotes are very technical, involving multiple line items, quantities, various hourly rates.  There is no way we could recreate this in the existing HubSpot quote format.  Would love to know if this is in the works.


Também sinto a necessidade de incluir imagens nas propostas, para mostrar os detalhes dos produtos e layouts


@dnelson - The link you provided is for customizing quote templates. That's helpful, but we also need to be able to customize the actual quote. Our clients often need references, portfolio items, documentation in the appendix. And this all may vary deal to deal. To have to create a new template every time rather than just being able to upload pdf content or even an editor within the quote is essential. We just spend a lot of money on this solution with hubspot, and this is a huge issue. So much of hubspot is about automation and efficiency, but this is incredibly inefficient. May you please update us as to the status of this?

Contributor | Elite Partner

Hi, @dnelson would it be possible to revisit this?
The ability to create custom quotes is great, but we often run into the issue of clients that need to add images on individual quotes instead of generic images on the template.

As a developer, having a way to add user-input fields would be amazing.

  • Instead of just the "Comments to Buyer" and "Purchase Terms" sections
  • The ability to add more user-input sections, particularly
    • Images (with variable amounts)
      • like you can when building a custom module
    • additional text fields

This is a big friction point with clients that steers them away from fully adopting HubSpot.


Hi @dnelson 

This is a very much needed tool to be implemented. It would be great if there was a way to add a PDF or any other type of document to a quote. This addition is essential for our business and we need to be able to send clients documents that go along with the quote. Please implement this asap!



@KQuaranto you could attach documents to the email? Not ideal. I discovered that you can't add a document into an email template either 😞


This is really frustrating there is a document library but you cannot attach a document directly from it but only via a link. We need to attach documents like many other people and a library of documents (allowing document control) and being able to add as an attachment seems quite a basic requirement


I've talked to support.

Support's guidelines as of now are:

  1. Follow and upvote the idea (even if it's been planned since 2018).
  2. Contact support and get a support ticket.
  3. Once the query with support is done, you get a survey. In this survey, there is an optional feedback section for the software team (this goes directly to the software team). Link to the idea in this feedback section and let the support team know that the feature is still requested even though it's been in planning since 2018.

What's going on? It's a request from 2018 and still not available?



HubSpot Employee

+1! it will be great if we could attach files to quotes instead of using hyperlinks


Thanks to @MarcusHarte for the suggestion to send support comments directly to the product team. Adding a custom graphic to each quote would be ideal without having to create separate templates for each one (which is not feasible).  


It's a bit frustrating in Germany to use the quote templates for us. Because our customer has to get more documents together with the quote, they need to read and sign (for e.g. everthing that belongs to the GDPR 😕 ).

We've tried it with links in our quote and that they have to download those documents and send us them back together with the quote but in 99% this isnt happen and we have to get in touch with the contatcs many times.



Would be very easy and cool to have a option within the quote templated/designer where we are able to attach documents which should be part of the document as an attachment for e.g. This is easy to implement and easy to use, it supports different use cases for different quote templates as well 😉

Same goes for us here in The Netherlands! Sounds like an easy fix, so please make it happen.

Upvote for this - seems like such a basic and obvious requirement, why is it still not available after nearly 7 years?!