Add the ability to filter email opens and click by date
We'd like to be able to create a list of contacts who have opened or clicked through on our marketing emails within a certain period of time. For example, it would be great if we could see who has opened at least 3 of our emails within the last 3 months, so we know who has been engaging with our content recently, and can then target them with a relevant commercial message and potentially enrol them onto a sequence.
However, it doesn't seem to be possible to filter contacts based on the dates of their marketing email opens and clicks, despite the fact that this data is being collected by Hubspot. You can filter by total number of opens/clicks and also date of last/first open/click, but I haven't been able to find a way to get data based on a specific timeframe. Is this something that could be added?
I would like to make this possible for workflow criteria as well. For example for score generation, if a contact has opened x amount of emails after so-and-so date, like you can do with forms.
This would be fantastic! Normally, I'm used to triggering campaigns based on specific actions, but without this I cannot personalize web automation properly without also including contacts that recently interacted with out emails (which would be redundant and very numerous to individually include since we send upwards of dozens of emails a month.
Being able to track contacts that have recently clicked links in any of our emails would be extremely beneficial for workflow automation at the very least.
This would be great to target users with certain engagment. Specially when it comes to stationary products or services that make users be interested only in certain times of the year. Also it would be great to set up lifecycle stages by users activity both on email or website, or to priorize users that have shown high interest on emails during certain period.
Hope this feature is available soon. Many CRM tools, as Splio or others fo have this and its so useful.