HubSpot Ideas


Add team signature when sending from shared email outside of Conversations

At present, if you reply by email to a Ticket from the Ticket page, using the Shared Team Email address, HubSpot does not add the Team Signature.


However, it does add the Team Signature if you respond to a Ticket from within the Conversation Inbox.


This is confusing and is not consistent behaviour.


Therefore, please can you change the Ticket page to add the Shared Team Signature to the reply, if you are sending the reply from the Shared Team Email address.


Many thanks!

HubSpot Updates
December 10, 2024 09:53 AM

@cwh8944 it's still on our radar! I can't make any promises, but we're hoping it can be a follow-up item to Multiple email signatures, which is in beta right now.

Being Reviewed
July 18, 2024 03:56 PM

Hi all! We are reviewing this idea to see if we can incorporate as part of some larger work on signatures. Stay tuned for updates!

85 Replies

@spooleThanks, that would be great - if it actually supported multiple people being in several teams at once, which I imagine is very common?

We have several agents who serve on two different teams, and each team has its own inbox and external email address, so the signature needs to be distinct for these two teams. How does creating a preset for each team help with that?

What we need is for Hubspot to pick a template based on the inbox / pipeline, rather than based on the user.

Please correct me if I'm mistaken, but I don't see how the feature you link to helps with that?


@aho94 the 'preset' feature allows you to setup a signature in the same way the team signature is setup from the conversations inbox. This allows users to reply to an email from a ticket and signatures will be consistent.
The preset is separate to teams.

It worked for us, hope it can help you too


@spooleConsistent as in pipeline-aware? Meaning, a user can be member of several presets?


@aho94 I'm with you.  I see presets as being good for general onboarding, but I don't think it solves the issue that this thread is about.  I'm not sure why this is such an effort for Hubspot to solve, the ability to select the From address is already there, we just need the signature added.


@spoole - that only works if you're replying from within the conversations inbox. It doesn't work if you're trying to email the contact from within the contact record using the shared inbox email alias. The only signature option to add is a user's personal signature. This is a huge oversight, in my opinion. Each shared inbox team should be able to have it's own signature that should be automatically applied regardless of where the email is sent from. 


Hi @hubspot I see this idea was presented in 2020.. is there an update on this?



HubSpot Employee

I do think this will be useful if team signature can be used in object records emails too

HubSpot Employee

this would be extremely helpful to our clients!


You guys need to fix this. You should be able to apply a signature when using different email addresses. The new 'manage user preference' update is almost pointless.


The reality is, a lot of people where multiple hats. 


I need to be able to use a different email signature when sending from different addresses. 


I need to use multiple email signatures. Not just one. 


you have an entire tool for the public about email signatures:


And I can't even use it with your software. I've had to remove the email field so everyone in my company just use the same signature. 


This functionnality would be a great help for us too. I would even add that if you have different channel with different e-mails, the reply should use, by default, the e-mail of the channel (which is the e-mail used by the end-user to contact us).


This would be amazing!


Please add this.

Participant | Elite Partner

Dear HubSpot Product Dev team would you please add this functionality to have a consistent conversation workspace.


As we approach the 4-year anniversary of this idea being submitted, I'm pretending to be thankful that HubSpot has released a raft of new features, none of which are beneficial to our company or workflow, meanwhile, we continue to send emails from tickets without a company signature making us look like we're running a dodgy backyard operation.


The fact that HubSpot support themselves do NOT use HubSpot ticketing software says it all. And guess what, HubSpot support email replies have a signature!


It's about time HubSpot switch to their own software for support ticketing, then we might see a faster turnaround time for such basic features as this.




We had encountered the same topic in the first week of using this solution - in the contact view you might be mislead that the signature is automatically added, but it's not the case. Apparently, there are two options - quick reply inside of a contact view (without a signature) and reply with a signature inside of Inbox (incl. composing a new message to a customer). The latter should be used to trigger a conversation, instead of a contact view. At least, this is our take on the topic 🙂

HubSpot Product Team

Hi all! We are reviewing this idea to see if we can incorporate as part of some larger work on signatures. Stay tuned for updates!


@hroberts thank you for the update, Hannah, that is fantastic news! 


This would be much more streamlined.


We have users who operate in different capacities e.g. when sending from our Support Email (I always want our support email signature to pull through) vs. operating as a CSM (sending from perdonal or another shared email), I want a different signature to display.


Plus the inbox does not offer the full functionality as Tickets (custom fields and other properties our team is required to set on each ticket).


This issue is raised since 4 years. As hundreds of other prople before, I've set up a pipeline for customer success today, created a team was even asked to setup a shared postboxes signature and still cant use it out of the ticket. 
Why setting up a signature for a shared postbox, when its not selected after switching the mail adress I'm answering with?